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in the end...

Nov 08, 2006 who? me? link
the democrats win both the house and senate

rumsfeld resigns or is fired, whatever
Nov 08, 2006 Lexicon link
/me cries as his world is turned upside-down. <sigh>
Nov 08, 2006 Snax_28 link
Awwww, poow wittle neo-con...

/me hands Leebs a World's Worst Empire Builder coffee cup.
Nov 09, 2006 jexkerome link
Now let's see if taking out the Republicans will really make things better. Here's hoping.

One thing of note: it took 40 years for the American public to get tired of having the Democrats in control of the House and Senate; the Republicans achieved it in 12.
Nov 09, 2006 Millenium Blackhawk link
Mass has a new governor who's only mission is to oppose President Bush. Mass has lost their senses! That and, of course, we re-elect Ted Kennedy. Both of who's acceptance speeches were about "Taking back the government!" Well, the democrats never lost Mass to the republicans, they were both talking about the nation.

So look out Bush, here comes Massachusetts.
Nov 09, 2006 MSKanaka link
Well, we've had a Democrat-controlled government in Massachusetts for as long as I can remember, but a Republican governor for about just as long. It's nice to see that we will have someone who is willing to work with the House and Senate...
Nov 09, 2006 moldyman link
And in the end, all we do is trade one power hungry group for another. The wonders of government.
Nov 09, 2006 jexkerome link
It's worse than you think, Moldy:
Nov 09, 2006 Lexicon link
/me drinks the bitter, bitter coffee of defeat from Gav's coffee cup.

Anyone got any sugar?
Nov 09, 2006 Snax_28 link
Goofy Jex, goofy...

edit: One of you Connie's should write Bush and tell him to get some advice on how to screw up a minority government from our PM. Help end the pain just that much sooner :)
Nov 09, 2006 Millenium Blackhawk link
YUK! don't remind me. them damn politicians win every time.

LOL. Gov elect Deval a.k.a Dukakis will not work with the congress. He's already stated that he'll pretty much pass every bill they send him.

I suppose the newer generation will just have to see what it's like here in Mass with no balance between parties. It'll be just like the '80s when the "Big Dig" was started.
Nationally, Bush has had Congress on his side for the past 4 years. That's when he created all the deficit that we have now. Which in fact is a conservative strategy to create huge debt. It's despicable, but you don't see that type of stuff when there is a balance of parties, like there will be come January. They will have to learn to play together or it will be a stale mate.
Nov 09, 2006 vIsitor link
/me hands expired splenda packet to Lexicon
Nov 09, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I really hope this is a wakeup call for my party. The Democrats deserved the win, and they played it brilliantly (not that it was hard, with the Republicans alienating their conservative voters by constantly capitulating to the Democrats). Democrat strategy: Put out conservative Democrats because they know the country is conservative and the Republicans have forgotten, then when the numbers are better the far left Democrats (who stayed out of the way the weeks leading up to the election, very smart) grab the power positions. Nancy Pelosi has those new conservative Democrat congressmen by the balls because she got them where they are.

It's not the end of the world, it's an opportunity. We're weeding out the Republicans who have forgotten why we voted for them, let's keep going. It's been time for a change for awhile, now we're getting it. Nothing has really changed, our Republicans have been giving the Democrats what they want for years, now we're just making it more efficient. For the next six years, we need to look for real conservatives with spines. Then we need to keep them there, and hold them accountable. Conservative accountability has given Democrats power for the second time in my lifetime, the first being when Republicans voted for Ross Perot because they felt betrayed by Bush Sr., now we've given Democrats controll of congress because the Republican majority has acted as a minority, and we feel betrayed again. Democrats didn't win this victory alone, Republicans must share the credit.

EDIT: By the way, here is an article that says what I just tried to say, but does a better job.
Nov 10, 2006 Millenium Blackhawk link
O.o Professor Chaos must be a congressman.
Nov 10, 2006 Lexicon link
Thanks, vIsitor.

/me despondently stirs the Splenda into the coffee, hoping in vain that he'll be able to swallow this defeat in due time.

Hrm. The coffee ate thru the spoon. Gav! What's IN this stuff? Oh, I see - 6 years worth of pent-up "New Democrat" Bile.
Hrm. Tastes just like old Democrat, but with less sage.
Nov 10, 2006 Snax_28 link
Heh, I'm not a Dem Leebs. I'm a New Democrat. We make your Dems look like a party run by Mussolinis. We're also the only left wing party in Canada that actually gets things done.