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separating church and state

Oct 27, 2006 break19 link
I make no bones to anyone about my stance on God and religion.

I am happy to say I believe in God, and I believe in the Lord Jesus. That is not to say I talk down to, or, in any way, make people who do not feel this way feel awkward.

If my actions do, then Oh well really. I act how I feel is right.
I also think political correctness is a scourge on this great nation of ours and will say so in a nano-second.

If you are bothered by my belief in a particular religion, as compared to yours, then your beliefs arent as strong as you think they are. Perhaps, instead of making claims that my belief is irrational and attempting to fit me into what you think I am, perhaps you should question your own beliefs.

Attempting to make me doubt my beliefs only shows to me that you have no real beliefs of your own, and you are subsequently ignored.

However, I am also one for lively debate, and will happily debate, in an educated manner, my religion, and my views of other religions.

Present it to me as a debate, and I will willingly discuss it with you.. Present to me by calling me a chump, or a moron for believing in a Higher Power; or just some crazy bible-thumper, and I will just assume you are another uneducated loser with nothing else to do but assault people's views. You will then be summarily ignored.

God Bless you, yes even the ones that don't yet believe.. May He Bless you all as well, and grant you the sight to see.

Oct 27, 2006 Spellcast link
my opinion on the whole topic is that politics and religeon have no buisness mixing at all.

my sense of reality tells me that my opinion is a pipe dream.

People ARE religeous, (most of them believe in something anyhow) so that very fact is going to influence thier political views and who/what legislation they support.

I do have a very LARGE dislike of religeous lobbying however, if it were up to me then churches would have a choice between being tax exempt or being allowed to donate to lobby groups. I think it's wrong that a church or group of churches can invest millions of dollars, collect the return on thier investment without paying any form of taxes, and then use that money to get laws passed that take attention away from issues that actually affect ME.
Churches spending millions of dollars on "anti-abortion" and "ban gay marriage" legislation focuses attention on issues that as far as i'm concerned are no-ones buisness except those directly involved. I'm not particularly for gay marriage but if they want to get hitched they can suffer having a spouse just like the rest of us, and abortion is a harder issue to tackle, but in general i dont see anything wrong with terminating a pregnancy within the first trimester if thats what the woman and her doctor decide is best for her, medically, economically or emotionally.

In general however i am so fed up with the politics on all sides here in the US right now that i am not planning to vote on anything except the town issues in the upcoming election, and i havent missed a vote since i turned 18 which was 9 years ago. (and yes i voted for bush, i still think he's a better choice than kerry or gore would have been)
Oct 28, 2006 Whistler link
break19: Was that directed at anyone here, or was it a preemptive rant? People in this thread have been pretty respectful to date.
Oct 28, 2006 Lexicon link
So is Doak doing his book report on the Bible or not?
Oct 28, 2006 jexkerome link
I think he was looking for a version in original Arameic or something...
Oct 28, 2006 Snax_28 link
Of course! Joseph of Aramentheia!
Oct 28, 2006 softy2 link
I think the original question of "What grade do you give to a student who did a book report on the Bible" is fairly easy to answer : How good is the report?

Is it a rant like break19? Then I'll happily give it an F and tell him/her to go read a real book instead of telling me what he/she feels.

If the student *really* reads the Bible, and then reports on it fairly, then I'll happily give him/her an A+.

I mean, have you ever *tried* to read the Bible? It's hard man, and boring in great stretches especially the "begotten" bit.

(And yeah, I have read the Bible, cover to cover. For leebs : I do identify with Holden Caulfield.)
Oct 28, 2006 jexkerome link
The Jerusalem and Queen Valera's versions of the Bible (I haven't read King James') and the Book of Mormon left me with little wish to finish reading the Q'ran, which I was reading online because getting an actual one is hard, at least down here. I know I'd never choose any of those books for a book report; I'd try to get away with The Little Prince, and, if that failed, Lolita. Now THAT's a book you can do a report on, and how!
Oct 29, 2006 Lexicon link
As I recall, the doakster wanted to see if he could annoy his teacher. So, perhaps more disturbing, do the book report on Machiavelli's The Prince, and compare it to the current U.S. administration in a loving and sympathetic fashion. Then come to school wearing a "Karl Rove for President" T-Shirt. Get a subscription to the Weekly Standard and read it in study hall, taking notes in a spiral notebook. Start a "Young republicans" chapter at your school. All of these things should give your teachers pause, but be prepared if they begin to talk about you in the Teacer's lounge.
Oct 29, 2006 softy2 link
Don't stand so close to me then.