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I knew Ayn was a girl!

Oct 22, 2006 Malicious link
Edit: hmm I think the following link is suitable for everyone.. but for safety: DON'T FOLLOW THIS LINK SINCE YOUR EYES MIGHT FALL OUT OR SOMETHING..
Oct 22, 2006 MSKanaka link
The above post probably not rated T for those minors that do play VO. Guides?
Oct 22, 2006 moldyman link

What I really want to know is how you found this >_>
Oct 22, 2006 MSKanaka link
No, you probably don't. You probably don't want to know why Malicious found it in the first place either.
Oct 22, 2006 Malicious link
I was browsing wallpapers on and found this one:

In the description of the wallpaper there was a reference to and I found the name of that side a bit macabre.. so I wanted to know what it was all about..

That's how I found Ayn..
Oct 22, 2006 mr_spuck link
sg rocks! probably the best "porn" site on the net!
Oct 22, 2006 rock girl link
WHO IS Ayn!!!!!!! please tell me! ive never heard of him/her/it/whatever
Oct 22, 2006 Malicious link

treize (13 in French)

ayn eziert
Oct 22, 2006 rock girl link
Oct 22, 2006 genka link
dude, spuck, you are so wrong. Metart is where it's at!
Oct 22, 2006 drdoak007 link

they have that on the internet now?

woah... where have i been???

plus mal.... how do we know that Ayn is actually Nya, and not an Ode character name.....
Oct 22, 2006 mr_spuck link
pfft ..metart lacks piercings :P
Oct 23, 2006 Malicious link
As I said, Nya13 is her forum name, if you just reverse the name, you get Ayn Eziert.
Oct 23, 2006 drdoak007 link
yeah, but it could be an ode....

my pen name for example is homage to goldeneye007-64.

but i guarantee that i have never been to the facility (falicity if you remember perfect dark-64), nor have i had to give a door decoder to james bond.

but if Ayn is Nya, then you've been found out... come out, come out wherever you are.....
Oct 23, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Goldeneye 64 is my favorite game of all time. In high school, I hardly remember a party that was without a Goldeneye tournament.

The ode thing makes perfect sense. For example, because I'm sure everyone here is fooled, I am not really Professor Chaos! I am also not Butters, General Disarray, or any other South Park character. My character is merely an ode to one.... though I'd never thought to use that term in this way before. I thought an ode was a poem.
Oct 23, 2006 Whistler link
An ode is a poem, specifically a lyric poem.

A better word might be homage: 2 a : expression of high regard : RESPECT -- often used with pay b : something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another : TRIBUTE

So, how do we know Malicious is not Ayn?
Oct 23, 2006 ananzi link
first off i dont think that link is appropriate for children

second of all, i somewhat doubt the depth of your research. i mean, is this a picture of mr spuck?

by the way is a scam
Oct 23, 2006 Professor Chaos link
What is that, the German version of Space Balls? I'm only just starting out German, so I have no idea what that link says, and I'm too lazy to translate it in Google.
Oct 24, 2006 mr_spuck link
damn my secret identity is revealed!
Oct 24, 2006 toshiro link
Prof. Chaos: Pretty much.

Congratulations on and good luck with learning german. I've been speaking it for the better part of my life, and Lady Serco knows it's a difficult language, even for natives, and even more so for foreign speakers.