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Bad news from Eize Ryda

Sep 27, 2006 break19 link
Hey guys, there may be a few of you that remember me mentioning the loss of my son as a stillborn back nearly 3 years ago.... Well.... it happened again.

Kira Addyson Burns was to be born on Jan 22nd of this year, went in for a 6month checkup today.. no heartbeat and all amniotic fluids were gone.. This makes twice for a 2nd trimester loss for my wife and I. The doctor isn't sure yet why but intends to run multiple tests on both my wife and myself.

Needless to say, we're in serious heartache right now, and if you are even slightly religious, please pray for us. I, myself am Christian as is my wife, but if you worship with another religion, please.. we need as many prayers as we can get. For those of you who (unfortunately) do not believe in any higher power, please just keep us in your thoughts..

Eize Ryda

PS - I check my email much more often than I will check this thread, so if you wish to tell me something, feel free to email me at - thanks
Sep 27, 2006 kimir1et link
That is so sad to hear, especially since it has occured twice. I wish and hope that your family will be able to grow and flourish someday.
Sep 27, 2006 Surbius link
You and your wife will be in my prayers.
Sep 27, 2006 RelayeR link
Eize, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife.

I'm hopeful the medical community can help you through this.

We had a second trimester loss also. Keep the faith.
Sep 27, 2006 Screwball link
Wow Eize, you have my most sincere sympathy. I will definitely say a prayer for you and your wife.

A few years ago, my sister lost her first child unexpectedly. Fortunately, I now have a nice healthy niece, so don't give up hope.

For those of you who don't know, Eize and his wife also lost their house during hurricane Katrina last year, so they've really had some bad luck in the last few years. From talking to him, though, it's clear they are very much in love with one another, so they have a strong foundation on which to build their future.

Keep on truckin',

Sep 27, 2006 Professor Chaos link
That's tough, man. My wife and I haven't yet tried for kids, so I can't relate to your situation. Best of luck in the future, though.
Sep 28, 2006 break19 link
For all of you guys that emailed me I'm sorry I havent gotten to reply to all of you, but know that we have received them, and we thank you for all of your help through this troublesome time.

We will be at the hospital for an unknown number of days and I dont feel like bringing the laptop there.. Talk to you guys later.

Thanks again
Sep 29, 2006 toshiro link
I can relate to this, even if just a tiny bit. A cousin of mine also lost two children.
However, she also has a healthy son, so it's still good, especially since she did not let it drag her down.

I wish you the same luck and happiness.
Oct 05, 2006 Racer link
Eize Ryda,

You have my deepest sympathies. It is a hard thing to lose a child, yet alone two.

I hope that you are successfull when you try again.
Oct 05, 2006 Spellcast link
you have my sympathy and prayers... My wife and I are expecting our first child now, (shes about 4 months and so far everything looks good) so I can sort of understand how you are feeling.

Best wishes to you.