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The Sad Truth of UNIX

Sep 26, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
Sep 26, 2006 Surbius link
You know to some people that could be an insult but funny nonetheless.
Sep 26, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
For the record, I have Fedora Core on this computer.
Sep 26, 2006 Surbius link
Aye, thats a branch of linux not quite unix, so feel happy. ^^!
Sep 27, 2006 Antz link
Apple users might get offended though... Unlike Linux OS X is UNIX-based.
Sep 27, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
oh ffs people, does nobody here have a sense of humor?
Sep 27, 2006 ananzi link
Ok the main problem here is that picture is of Danny 'The Balls' Grohans - he is one of the top 5 male porn stars in Europe.
Sep 27, 2006 Antz link
Of course we do! It is an amusing picture that demonstrates a very interesting trend that I have not seen before you showed me!

"People who sleep around too much end up writing unstable operating systems!"

I wonder if there is a correlation between reboots and sex? (Does anyone actually keep count of either?) You should be able to remember the last month to within a suitable accuracy margin, so let's do a quick survey! Only reboots to your main machine and sex with your main partner counts. If you can't decide, pick the one with the higher count. (hint: "last | grep reboot" will tell you times of reboots on unix-like things)

So, let me start us off:
11 reboots and 0 sex
Sep 27, 2006 Aequitas' Talon link
See, ananzi has a sense of humor... why can't you all be more like ananzi?
Sep 27, 2006 toshiro link
You said 'a' sense of humor. You did not specify which type of humor you were referring to.

I expect a detailed requirement specification by friday.
Sep 27, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Ok, ananzi, should you be proud of the fact that you actually know that?

Oh, and the whole point of Apple OS X is that you don't have to see the guts of the OS, you just use it. So, though OS X is UNIX based, and I use OS X constantly, I have no idea anything about UNIX whatsoever. So, yeah. I fart in your general direction.
Sep 30, 2006 ufoman link
/me shoots himself in the head
Sep 30, 2006 upper case link
er... just to make it clear...

mac os x is not "unix". it's "unix-based".

the open group, wich governs what is and what is not unix, requires a very rigid certification process for a system to meet "unix" certification. mac os x tiger doesn't have this certification, but it was granted the "unix-based" title by the open group because tiger actually does meet the base criteria. it just hasn't gone through the certification wich is quite costly and time consuming.

however, for having attended apple's world wide developer conference this year (and, <brag> for the 7th year </brag>), i happily announce that apple is getting leopard fully certified.

so, leopard *will* be unix, while tiger and before are "unix-based".

we still have about 6 months to get laid.

apple's "unix-based" page:
open group's unix licensees:
companies with unix certification: (note the absence of apple in there)
what is "unix":
Sep 30, 2006 LeberMac link
Will "last | grep sex" tell me the last time I had sex?
Well, being married, there's probably a clause in there somewhere to remove me from the sample pool, or Lord knows I'd throw off the whole metric. ;)
Sep 30, 2006 upper case link
no, but "uptime" will give you a general idea if you have any chance at it.
Oct 02, 2006 ananzi link
professor chaos: i should think i'd know my own father. jeez.
Oct 02, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
(1) The trend of people noticing Tosh's missing humor module continues.

(2) 'Main partner'...? How quaint.
Oct 02, 2006 Wiggoggs link
I'll have you know I use Slackware, yet I am one hot potato! Alright, I'm just 15, so I don't really get laid.