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Zune Media Player

Sep 25, 2006 Dark Knight link
Okay, so I'm sure we've all heard of the upcoming "Zune" media player, which Billy-boy and the rest of Microsoft seem to think is so revolutionary it'll take down the iPod empire forever.

Yeah right.

Anyway, I've tossed together what I think their advertising campaign might look like:

I've also gotten a line on what may be their original concept sketches.

And who knows? Maybe Microsoft will continue the theme of the whole product line and use my ideas (and if I'm really good, they might even ask permission!).
Sep 25, 2006 Professor Chaos link
That's funny. I remember when the original iMac came out, and everyone mocked the colors. Foxtrot even called it the iFruit, if I recall. At the same time, everyone was scrambling to come out with similar options for colors. Even the George Foreman grill came out in multiple color options, including one that looked conspicuously like Bondi Blue.
Sep 25, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Another thought:

This can only be good for Apple customers. iPod is already the best mp3 player on the market, and recently the best priced as well. If this Zune catches on even the tiniest bit, it will be competition for Apple. Competition may help prices drop (not like they need help lately, and only if Zune is actually cheap, which it may not be), and if Zune gets cool features (it would be cool if iPod had a 2-3MPX camera), then Apple will be pushed to not only include those features on iPod, but to come out with them first, as is Apple's tradition.
Sep 25, 2006 Dark Knight link
Yeah, but I'm just wondering what possesed Microsoft to choose THAT color of brown...
Sep 26, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Well, to be different from Apple, of course. iPod looks good, so to be different, you have to look bad, right? Could be worse, it could be a darker shade of poo.
Sep 26, 2006 toshiro link

That said, serious competition would indeed be very important for Apple. Let's see how it comes along.

And how many buy the doodoopod.