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i think you should make this game free

Sep 19, 2006 ananzi link
i mean, yeah. nobody should have to pay for this game. why dont you guys just make it free?

free software is better than proprietary software that i have to pay for. i mean, that poor underpriviledge starving children have to pay for. no toys, no parents, nothing but dust in their village. and yet the evil taskmasters at guild software, filled with greed for their platinum chandeliers and crystal soda pop, continue to charge money for their game.

what about the children? what about society?

making software free benefits everyone.

its science.
Sep 19, 2006 RaWolfe link
you almost make me cry.....but no better have it pay and get dev on then free and the update's think that the guys at the other side need to pay for holding this game up heh?
Sep 19, 2006 vIsitor link
You forget that ananzi is Genka-wannabe troll, RaWolfe, and thusly none of his posts should be taken seriously. His spam has become quite well-written as of late, but it remains spam nonetheless.
Sep 19, 2006 drdoak007 link
A-nancy's account is running out and he can't afford to replenish it.

no-one has empathy for you, you poverty-case! and get a job you lazy bum.
Sep 19, 2006 Shapenaji link
no one has responded to you in the manner that would beget intelligent discussion ananzi,

I most wholeheartedly, and without any reservation, at 8, and being of mediocre mind, while against my better judgement, in using a gerund, Though I could have done it again, Again, Friskilatingly, Secondly, Despite all illusions to the contrary, think that paying is a good thing.
Sep 20, 2006 Whistler link
Crystal is the old thing. Having snubbed the hip-hop community, it is no longer relevant.

Oh, and neither is this thread.

[Moved to Off Topic]
Sep 20, 2006 ananzi link
You wouldn't off-topic Ron Burgundy. You ingrate!
Sep 20, 2006 LeberMac link
I'm Ron Burgundy, and you're not.

Scotch, scotch, scotch...
Sep 20, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Scotch? SCOTCH!!
Sep 20, 2006 Gavan link
You forget that ananzi is Genka-wannabe troll

Too bad Genka is becoming a parody of himself.
Sep 20, 2006 genka link
Wow, give the man a prize, he's starting to catch on!
Maybe in a year or two he'll actually figure it out!

At any rate, I can't really comment on the original topic, seeing as how I infact do play for free.
And before any of you start accusing me of being unsupportive, you should know that I gave a homeless man in milwaukee eight dollars.
Sep 20, 2006 Whistler link
I'm swooning with the possibilities for a reply, but none are appropriate for a Teen rating.
Sep 21, 2006 Shapenaji link
Haha, Genka got mugged
Sep 21, 2006 LeberMac link
Hey! $8 buys a fifth of off-brand tequila! Thankx, Genka!