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Off topic? Waaayy out there

Sep 18, 2006 stewhites link
This is a couple of miles from my home...
Man with no eyes does dangerous drving

I still have trouble believing it!
Sep 18, 2006 Whistler link
Sep 21, 2006 stewhites link
Disklabs top ten data recovery disasters

* My cat urinated on my laptop - Disklabs technicians had to thread gingerly in handling a Toshiba laptop which had been urinated on by a client's pet Persian Blue.
* It fell off the roof of the car - A salesperson in a hurry placed his laptop on the roof of his car, while he placed all his demo products into the vehicle. He forgot the laptop on the roof and drove off. He stated: "I was doing about 40mph when I saw it in the rear view mirror".
* I accidentally drove over it - An MP3 player was the victim of this roadside mishap. The client didn't realise that the MP3 player had fallen out of her pocket, and accidentally drove over the offending device.
* We just sacked the IT manager and he started kicking the server - The IT manager wasn't up to the job so he was fired. The man in question threw a wobbler, deciding the server had to go before he did. He achieved this by kicking the server until it stopped working, causing data corruption and hardware damage to the hard drives.
* There was a bit of oil on it - Quite an understatement. One Disklabs' client had approximately 120 barrels of crude spilt over his laptop, which was in use on an oil rig at the time.
* I accidentally threw it out of a window - A student claimed he was 'messing around' with his roommate's laptop. But instead of pretending to throw the laptop out of the window, he chucked it for real – much to the dismay of his roommate.
* She just got stroppy and snapped it in half - A client's wife thought he was playing away from home and snapped his mobile in a fit of pique. The phone, a Motorola V3 Razor, was literally snapped in half. Disklabs only received one half of the phone and was still able to retrieve all the SMS messages and contacts.
* The dog has had a go at it - a Staffordshire bull terrier took a liking to its owner's camera and bit into it. The memory card inside sustained some damage and arrived still wet from dog saliva.
* I was showing my friend how to delete data on the spare hard drive, but I deleted the wrong one - Enough said.
* My wife threw my laptop down a well - Another marital dispute. Excuses offered failed to placate an irate wife who took her revenge by throwing her husband's laptop into a 60 foot well.
Sep 21, 2006 Professor Chaos link
True Story:

My dad is a geologist and often takes his iBook into the field. One of his buddies one day ran over it with a Jeep. It would have been fine, probably, but it was in the case with an external hard drive on top of it, which dug into the screen. The computer still worked fine, except that the monitor was cracked and unreadable. He bought a new screen on eBay, and now all that's left to tell it had a mishap is that the case has a slight crack in it. No internal components had to be replaced. This iBook also had a cup of milk spilled on it in its early days, and showed no signs of injury from that. I have a picture of the cracked screen, if anyone can tell me how to upload it. I don't want to start a photobucket or whatever account for one picture.
Sep 21, 2006 stewhites link
Try imageshack, no need to sign up :)
Sep 21, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Here it is, the iBook that was run over by a Jeep. Ignore the crap strewn across the table, but notice the cable connected to the left of the computer; it goes to an external monitor. This computer still worked fine other than the monitor (fixed now).

[EDIT]: Ok, so I didn't know the picture would be so big....
Sep 21, 2006 stewhites link
Thats pretty messed up....