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Holy Crap RHCP Best Freaking Night Ever

Aug 28, 2006 smittens link
So, as some of you might have known, last night I attended the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in Fresno with my bro and some of his friends.

I sat in the ninth ****ing row and it was really freaking awesome. They played a bit too much Stadium Arcadium and By the Way, and not enough of Californication and Blood Sugar Sex Magik, but 9th row overrides that. So it was freaking awesome.

Then it ends, and all the bitchy "My life sucks so yours should too" security people keep yelling at us to leave, even though friends and I were waiting for my bro (who was talking with sound tech guy).

So we leave the arena, and notice some people gathered at an exit, so we joined them and waited. Security was still being really bitchy, but we and about 16 others managed to stick around. So after about 45 minutes of post-concert waiting, Anthony (lead singer) comes out, and power walks to his bus. A fwe minutes later come Flea (bass) and Chad (drums), and they acknowledge our presence which was nice. Five minutes later comes John Frusciante with a posse of chicks, and he actually pauses to listen to us all yelling about how he's so freaking awesome.

Then for some reason I'm not quite clear of, we stuck around, and ten minutes later, John ************* Frusciante comes back out to sign all our things. Suddenly a cry runs through our small crowd. No one has a pen!!!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!! So he wanders off, and its just like "Shit how did we blow that"

Then he comes back with a ************* sharpie. He got a sharpie to sign our shit! HOLY CRAP HE'S AWESOME. And he waits and signs EVERYONE's ANYTHING (that was presented to him. No one did anything inappropriate). And he's really freaking nice, and he had a ************* conversation about guitars, casual as hell, with my brother (who has always said "If I ever meet John Frusciante I could die happy. Also, apparently my bro sounded so casual in the convo because he's been dreaming about it for so long that he just instinctively knew what to say). So he shook our hands, and signed all our shirts. It was so freaking awesome!!!!
Aug 28, 2006 LeberMac link
In all seriousness, that is very cool, Smitty. :)
You should have gotten him to sign your "Smittens."
Aug 28, 2006 Galaxy613 link

Nice, it's always great when your favorite music artist turns out to be amazingly awesome and nice. :D
Aug 28, 2006 smittens link
Lol Leber, we were discussing what would happen if one of us had whipped it out for a sig. I'm sure as a RHCP he's done it at least *once*
Aug 28, 2006 Snax_28 link
How was The Mars Volta?
Aug 28, 2006 smittens link
Aug 29, 2006 Snax_28 link
That's what I expected from you! You know nothing and are worthless!
Aug 29, 2006 jexkerome link
The simple fact he likes the RHCP is proof enough of that, Snax.
Aug 29, 2006 LeberMac link
Actually I meant sign your mitten smittens thingy. I'm SURE you have one.
You know, THIS.
Aug 29, 2006 Whistler link
Wow. Those have the added benefit of hiding the fact that you're handcuffed together.

That is awesome about Frusciante.

I saw Gary Numan in San Francisco earlier this month (which was amazing, by the way). He'll stay and sign anything (even bootleg stuff) until it's all gone.
Aug 29, 2006 smittens link
Gav, if I want to hear a loud screeching noise I'll do the ol nails on a blackboard trick, and give myself mental torture as well as the week long deafness that MV and blackboard both provide.

Jex, I thought you were screwed up enough, the way divide your miserable life between pretending to be a chick and mocking other people. But now I'm lowering you a few more pegs.

Leber, I have yet to purchase smittens, although as soon as I have enough cash that I can blow it on things I totally am disgusted by, it'll be on my list (behind a birthday present for [Saving the mods the trouble]).

I'm extra glad that this happened, because my bro (who's following them through CA) was at the concert where they did Sir Psycho, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, and the other totally awesome never-played-no-more songs, and he made me so completely jealous that even the ninth row had a hard time balancing it out. Until I met John ************* Frusciante.
Aug 29, 2006 Lemon Lime link
Just one question...

Who is John ************* Frusciante ? And I mean that not in the "He's the lead singer of blah blah blah" way. I mean that in the "what has he done for me" kind of way.
Aug 29, 2006 smittens link
Brought the wonderful sound of RHCP-style-funk to your ears?

Also, Gavan, a note:

I hear now from a music-oriented friend of mine that the consensus is that Mars Volta sounds great on CD, but not live. Apparently this is because they did mostly improved stuff for the CD, then picked the best sounds, which is hard to repeat in concert. So as I haven't heard one of their CD's, only live, I'd like to appologize for my harsh words.
Aug 29, 2006 Snax_28 link
That's actually got to be the most backwards impression of them I've ever heard. Everyone I know (including myself) praises them based almost entirely on their live shows. The fact that their studio based work is simply mind boggling complex and sophisticated is just a pleasant side tidbit.

Perhaps its simply the fact that you just don't like fingernails-screeching-down-the-blackboard type of music, and instead prefer milk-toast-eating-denture-wearing-prostate-cancer-infected "hard rockers" (not to say that the Chili's aren't amazingly talented, which they are, but they're definately reaching the Rolling Stones era now).
Aug 29, 2006 smittens link
"but they're definately reaching the Rolling Stones era now)."

I'm not saying that the Stones aren't ladies men, but you should've SEEN the girls John came out with. I mean, holy crap. Paul McCartney couldn't have gotten them in his prime.
Aug 30, 2006 avirulence link
Heh, I hate RHCP and love The Mars Volta :)
Aug 30, 2006 LeberMac link
I actually don't like either of these bands, but felt like posting anyway.
It's still cool that you got to meet him, Smitty.
Aug 31, 2006 Sun Tzu link
Nice post. It brought back nice memories of RHCP shows. Flea is the best bassist ever and they rock like a dozen Mars Volta will never do.
Aug 31, 2006 Snax_28 link
What's with all the Mars Volta hate? In my opinion they've got a as much originality, if not more, than the Chili's did and do.

And this is coming from a looong time Chili's fan... 17+ years... although I sort of lost touch with them a few years ago.

Regardless, unlike the Chili's, who write instant chart happy hits, the Mars Volta are an aquired taste. The Chili's cannot, and never will be able to match the Mars Volta for sheer brilliance and imagination.

Just the fact that not only the Chili's, but some of the most original and talented mainstream groups (System of a Down for ex.) choose The Mars Volta to tour for them speaks volumes.