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vo burned down my house!

Aug 24, 2006 ananzi link
oh wait, it was this Dell Laptop Battery. I left it on my bed overnight (and I was just about to start going to those porn addiction recovery meetings...) and I woke up to my room burning. At first I thought it was going to be this dream about the devil and she was like, you know, kinda checkin me out, but then like, she got all mean and started yelling at me, and like telling me i was on fire, but then like, I realized, damn, that smells like hair burning, and damn, if that isn't my hair burning!

Anyways, I know technically this is Dell's fault. But I know that Guild Software has a lot of money coming down the pipe, so I'm going to sue them instead. For a percentage of their gross over the next ten years... like you know, 0.25 percent or something.

that would make the 100$ i put in this game over the year worth it. i mean at least i get something back, other than saying 'look, baby, i mapped dozens of sectors for imaginary stuff that doesnt exist'.
Aug 25, 2006 Whistler link
Moved to Off-Topic

Who thinks Cindy Brown should have grabbed a fire extinguisher instead of a camera?

Who thinks this is really a Photoshopped picture of Lebannon?

(also see the fate of a 1971 VW van)
Aug 27, 2006 mr bean link
i think its fake because the computer is exploding and in real life it would have caught fire and that would be it.and plus how did the person taking the photo get a camera and take the picure in time to catch it in thye middle of the exploding?
Aug 27, 2006 Whistler link
While I agree with your other points, I see no evidence that it is exploding. There are some sparks that you would normally see from flaming plastic sputtering. If anything it's melting inward as evidenced by the keys nearest the flames.
Aug 28, 2006 spectre_c_me link
hehe... looks like something i would do to get back at a friend for fucking up my computer...

YAY for setting fire to electronic things and burning places down!!!