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Aug 13, 2006 rock girl link
i dont know how to put up a link but ill try so go here!%20(with%20crazy%20pictures)!!!

i got this YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR FREEKIN MIND!You're the all-around crazy! Hot damn! The easily amused, the ADD, the ADHD, the weird, and all of those on just a little bit of crack! Cheese, cookies, cookies with creme cheese on it, staring at brick walls, watching spongebob upside-down. That's how you do it! You could amuse yourself for hours with a yarn ball, like a kitty cat! Kitties rule! But you're not a kitty cat, YOU'RE CRAZY!You crazy dude! *tosses a cookie* you: "ZOMG FOOD!"

for those of you who dont know me im mr bean's sister and i dont play but i have in the past but i just go on the off-topic boards but anyway... um... "mr bean wants more stories"
Aug 13, 2006 KixKizzle link
YOU'RE CRIMINALLY INSAINE!!!Put the axe down and listen for a second:YOUNEEDHELPNOW!!!Holy hell! Somthing about violence just makes you scream with glee and run with joy, naked too! I don't know how you've managed to function in society this long. Hell, your craziness aura (or some weird stuff like that) is making people close to you go insaine! AHHH!!! must..... resist.......... *hits head with brick* DUUUURRRRRRPPPPP
Aug 13, 2006 terribleCabbage link
rock girl: You _are_ just Mr Bean, right? Nice we got that out in the open.
Aug 13, 2006 mr bean link
no she is my sister she just rarely plays and mostly goes on the forums and she annoys the hell out of me all the time. i got

Put the axe down and listen for a second:





Holy hell! Somthing about violence just makes you scream with glee and run with joy, naked too! I don't know how you've managed to function in society this long. Hell, your craziness aura (or some weird stuff like that) is making people close to you go insaine! AHHH!!! must..... resist.......... *hits head with brick* DUUUURRRRRRPPPPP
Aug 14, 2006 rock girl link
yep! thats me my brother is so far from girly thing in his room is probably like a sock i left in his room or chewing gum or something so dont make fun of him i may hate him but i love him because im forced to, hes my brother
Aug 14, 2006 toshiro link
Aug 14, 2006 Whistler link
The site might be slightly more amusing if you set up a stobelight pointing directly into your eyes, shut off all the lights, and shook your head rapidly side to side a'la Jacob's Ladder.
Aug 14, 2006 zamzx zik link
While shoving a twinkie down your airpipe.
Aug 14, 2006 rock girl link
Aug 15, 2006 Malicious link
Tippatty tappaty tappaty tap tap tap *forgot to save the computer crashes* NOOOO!!!!! MY FANFIC! You just love that computer doncha? Always on AIM, Yahoo, or MSN messengers, talking to like 50 people at once, half of whome you probably havn't met in real life yet (in your terms: IRL)

Internet connection down? It must be VIDEO GAME TIME! You close all the windows and the door so it's pitch black except for the screen! Makes you think you're there! There's this magic place, it's called the outside, I'm sure there's a door in your house that could lead to it.

you: "that's illogical"
me: "you know the halo 3 script was leaked right?"
Aug 20, 2006 LeberMac link
Apparently I "likes teh romanz". I mean, I like the Romans, but I think there hasn't been a Roman since, well, Caligula, right?

Anyway, I consign this quiz to the depths of my forgotten long-term memory. Begone!