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Video Card Heaven

Aug 09, 2006 LeberMac link
Holy crap. 2 GB of VRAM. Hahahahaha....
"Under a 3D gaming load we would see our Quad SLI system pull anywhere from 400W to 450W."

I'll need to go pirate for REAL to afford this setup tho. Oh well.
Aug 09, 2006 moldyman link
It's only for Windows, I bet
Aug 09, 2006 ananzi link
meanwhile, children are starving in africa.

while rich folks feed their computer addiction. it builds up a 'tolerance'. 320x200 is not good enough. soon you find you need 'more resolution'. as in the article, the samel old game gets boring unless you up the ante with a bigger screen, faster machine, bigger speakers, more speakers, etc. spending thousands of dollars a year is the only way to 'maximize your experience' ... said hardware which of course will be worth 20 bucks a year down the line after it becomes obsolete. while relationships and social involvement delapidate and corrode into nothingness, as fantasy slowly replaces reality, and the users imagination and dreams wither away and die.

meanwhile the games themselves, their characters, plot, story, etc, grow more shallow, hateful, stupid and cruel as the years go by. filled with paranoia and barely logical eviscera from shoddy slash fiction, these 'experiences' are sought out to relive traumatic childhoods with the illusion of control. the industrialized prepackaged mass produced 'experiences' are the equivalent of spiritual and emotional junk food - high on fat and sugar, engineered to satisfy demand and increase profit, without aesthetic, artistry, or nutritional value.

i should know. ive been there. all this to 'simulate' life, when one could easily go outside and 'immerse' oneself in plenty of strange and unusual experiences.
Aug 09, 2006 Galaxy613 link
Sad but true about where we are going with all of this. :(
Aug 10, 2006 toshiro link
I wonder if ananzi plays video games.
Aug 10, 2006 ananzi link
go see 'a scanner darkly', it reveals the truth!
Aug 10, 2006 Wiggoggs link
Well, nvidia usually supports linux drivers, so if they don't have one for it now, they probably will sometime in the future.