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A Geek Test

Aug 08, 2006 MSKanaka link
34.12229% - Total Geek
Aug 09, 2006 rock girl link
16.37081% - Geek well its not my fault im a vampire! gosh!
Aug 09, 2006 spectre_c_me link
i fully protest Leber's results... he was drunk when he took it!!! we all know alcohol makes you more geeky... >.>
Aug 09, 2006 MSKanaka link
Erm, when is Leber NOT drunk?
Aug 11, 2006 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
40.8284% Hoorah.
Aug 12, 2006 terribleCabbage link
... "vampire"?

Aug 24, 2006 LostCommander link
34.91124% - Total Geek
Aug 24, 2006 Aeternalis link
29.19132% - Total Geek

Aug 24, 2006 Sheean link
25.44379% not too bad is it? oh dear :(
Aug 24, 2006 moldyman link
I'm afraid there's no cure... I'm sorry...
Aug 24, 2006 upper case link
32.54438% - total geek

i probably get an extra point for having written all the digits down.
Aug 26, 2006 Antz link

Hmm, this seems higher than average. I guess I need to get out more.
Aug 26, 2006 Pete1410 link
ok.... so.... is this meant to mean anything ????

57.00197% ?????????????? Extreme Geek.....

Aug 29, 2006 Will Roberts link
26 - but to be honest, the pocket protector was originally my dad's, I need the calculators for work and the whole SCA thing was short-lived...

I'm in denial, ain't I?