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these kids are genius!

Jul 26, 2006 who? me? link
Jul 26, 2006 drdoak007 link
wait... what makes this genius at work?

by my count, they spent $1200+ on electronics to smash.

yeah, it's cool to see the damage being done, but i'ld give my left nut to be able to waste money like that.
Jul 26, 2006 who? me? link
Jul 27, 2006 toshiro link
I'm with drdoak on this one...
Jul 27, 2006 moldyman link
Well, look at how the kids live. Nice looking homes, nice looking kitchen. Obviously sons of well off mommy and daddy, maybe even in California to boot. Too much money to spend with no respect for it.

EDIT: Forgot to add that they have nothing better to do.
Jul 28, 2006 smittens link
"maybe even in California to boot."

Sickening. I live in CA and I don't know anyone who would disagree with Doak. Hell, I'd give both my balls (you can probably buy plenty once you've got that kinda money)
Jul 28, 2006 Whistler link
What idiots.

I'm going to assume that that "new" ipod was a demo or DOA return, but that was a hell of a thing to do to a perfectly nice microwave!

Everything after pulling it out of the microwave should have been cut.

They aren't worthy of playing Rammnstein, as further evidenced by the fact that they mispelled the name of the band ("Ramstein").

I also live in CA, and nobody I know would be this stupid. Perhaps these guys need to actually earn or pay for something to appreciate it's value. Why, in my day...Hey| You kids get off'n my lawn!
Jul 28, 2006 moldyman link
I was going for the whole OC-like type of kid.
Jul 28, 2006 drdoak007 link
like the Bel-Aire, 90210, OC, silver spoon in mouth type of kid, or that show with the rich kids who always battle the step-father who sold their stuff on the front lawn, and the pawned one of his grammies on ebay.

holy run-on sentence. sorry.
Jul 28, 2006 Lord~spidey link
apple should sue them to do such a thing to such a tryumph of form and funcion people like tht should burn in robot hell dont post on my

bad shpelling
Jul 28, 2006 Lord~spidey link
Jul 28, 2006 Cunjo link
what's the matter smittens? don't have any other use for them? I hear some clinics will offer over $50,000 for a fully functional testicle, so I suppose you could always take them up on it if you're serious about that offer.

3.5 words: It's Not Real. These guys get crappy and broken stuff for dirt cheap to break for laughs. At least the smash-my-xbox crew bought the real thing... but they were funded by donations.
Jul 29, 2006 smittens link
Cunjo: There's no need for you to focus so extensively on my balls, unless you are lacking some yourself?

Moldy: So in the future, maybe take Doak's route instead of labeling all CA's as stupid rich kids?
Jul 29, 2006 Cunjo link
Smittens: No, I just happen to like mine where they are. If you wanna give yours away for a damn iPod though, I guess that's your problem.
Jul 29, 2006 smittens link
Leave it to Cunjo to find the ONE thread about my balls. How long have you been waiting for this?
Jul 31, 2006 upper case link
no who me. these kids are dorks.

don't be a wannabe.
Jul 31, 2006 moldyman link
I aplogize, Smittens. I meant what Doak said.