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Updates to the situation in Israel/Lebanon

Jul 26, 2006 Snax_28 link,,1830397,00.html

More than 40 Israelis have died in the violence, including 18 who have been killed by the rockets.

Israeli warplanes bombed 100 targets in southern Lebanon yesterday and one family of seven civilians was killed. More than 400 Lebanese have been killed in total.
Jul 26, 2006 Snax_28 link
I love this part:

(in his best American Vernacular) "We're obviously very sorry about that..."

——United Stated Ambassador to the UN John Bolton
Jul 26, 2006 LeberMac link
Hey, Gav, perhaps this would be better suited for commentary on a different website? Perhaps one more suited for this kind of commentary? That way you & Coach can go at each other there.
Jul 26, 2006 Klabbath link
I agree, Gav. You tell me that you don't want to discuss politics with me, using the phrase (and I quote) "Keep your politics out of this forum, Klabbath," then you turn around and blast your political views here. There are other places for this. I won't start it, but every time you post YOUR view, I'm going to post MY view. So, in a way, you're just like Hezbollah and I'm just like Israel. NOW who is escalating?

By the way, nine civilians were killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq last night. A bomb set by ARAB MILITANTS. I just thought you should know. They seem to be way out in front in the "deaths of innocent civilians" race for some reason. Oh, and Hezbollah killed 14 Israeli troops this morning. Just thought you should know.

So, you think Toronto has a shot at the CFL trophy this season? I forget what you guys call it in your version of football. If they address the offensive line problems they had last year, it might give them some punch down the stretch. With only three downs to go ten yards, the pressure's really been on their defense. If they can cut that back a little and get those guys off the field for a breather, it might make a big difference in their success. What say ye?

Jul 26, 2006 Snax_28 link
Whoops sorry. Wine has a bad habit of making me go out and find idiotic statements by American politicians. Even when I'm trying to provide sources from two very different ends of the spectrum. Anyhoo, I'm done.

And Klabbath I don't watch Football (except when my Old Man buys lower bowl tickets to the Semis). There is something depressing about watching our best talent go south as soon as they can to play assistant waterboy.

But the Leafs are going to win the Stanley Cup this year.
Jul 26, 2006 Whistler link
"Anyhoo, I'm done."

As is this thread. I think these news reports are just trumped up to direct attention away from the Serco / Itani conflict.
