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Jul 21, 2006 drdoak007 link
Jul 21, 2006 spectre_c_me link
now where's the picture of Leia back stage after the show as a groupie? Thats what we're looking for!!!
Jul 22, 2006 ananzi link
whats this 'we' shit?
Jul 23, 2006 drdoak007 link
Jul 24, 2006 spectre_c_me link
"I've Got a Date... Chad's Got a Date.."

Where's the rest of the song, it was pretty catchy.
Jul 24, 2006 drdoak007 link
i like that he was humming the cantina song right before that.

that, and the "last time i tell you scene"
Jul 25, 2006 Klabbath link
Try this:

It's a 28 minute movie about a group of folks that, in homage to Peter Jackson and LotR, decided to walk across New Zealand in full costume and full character. The guy pretending to be Sam is hysterical, especially the conversation about cooking with the guy that's too far in character as "Elijah,"

I'm really surprised at the high quality of some of the fanfilms out there. Some of the acting needs work, like in this one: , which has a great script and storyline, but only two believable characters.

I'm starting to become vastly amused at the MPAA. The more they tighten their grip on filmmaking and production, the more independant filmmakers, from kids to adults, are slipping through their fingers. As TV goes down the tubes, as the RIAA sues eight-year-olds while millionaire musicians bleat about not making enough money, more and more people are deciding, "Fuck this," and moving on to do their own thing. Maybe if Hollywood spent less time worrying about special effects and securing big name actors with no talent, a' la Tom Cruise, they might have some energy left to devote to dialog and direction.

Anyone recall the greats: "The Front Page", "The Maltese Falcon," etc? These were movies that had no appreciable special effects, and had to rely on solid writing to draw in fans. Hell, even a simple gunshot wound in 1944 took an hour and a half of makeup.

Hell, if I had a drop of talent in my soul I'd cut my own music. I can't even listen to music on the radio any more. 17 minutes of commericals out of every hour, mostly for Viagra (is there anyone on earth that hasn't heard of that stuff already?), and a total crap shoot or crap fest, depending on how you look at it, to even listen to a worthwhile song. Thank god for the iPod and Easynews.

I watched one hour of TV last night, a History Channel show on the monuments of Ramses II. I watched three hours of low budget fan productions in four different genres. I think that was time better spent.

Jul 25, 2006 spectre_c_me link
dude... did you just post a LOTR video in a star wars thread?!

Thats like sacrilege isnt it? thats like saying Star Wars and Star Trek are the same... you just dont do it! good god man... i fear for your indecently dressed self...

Jul 25, 2006 Klabbath link
Actually, most of that website is Star Wars fan films, which is what reminded me of the flick I watched last night.

Sep 08, 2006 drdoak007 link
i found the larger size of the pic... this one rules.

Sep 08, 2006 Dark Knight link
Yeah, there were a series of pictures like this featured in the recurring "Star Wars Rocks" section of the Star Wars Insider fan mag. The segment was all about bands that either performed renditions of Star Wars songs, incorporated Star Wars terms into their lyrics, or had names inspired by Star Wars.