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out of country!

Jul 19, 2006 upper case link
for the period of july 19th through july 31st, i'll be out of country, going to temple-sur-lot in france for an aikibudo training camp.

on my return, i'll be in-town and available for the next five days after wich i'm leaving for california for apple's wwdc, for another 10 days.

have a great time while i'm gone!


i'm bringing vaal'ok dasmar with me ;-)
Jul 19, 2006 JestatisBess link
Have a safe trip man. and tell up about the wwdc when you get back from california :)
Jul 29, 2006 Lord~spidey link
heh im in paris too 4 a week teh azerty keyboards suck balls
Aug 01, 2006 upper case link
i'm back for a few days before heading off to california this saturday.

t'was a gruesome 6 days of aikibudo training, each amounting to about 7 hours of practice. this is what i did to someone who said something incomprehensible to me in japanese. i don't know what he said but i'm sure my sister was involved so i didn't take any chance: slam!

i have yet to put up all the aikibudo pictures online but for the curious, here are some pictures of "temple sur lot" (somewhere between bordeau and toulouse) and the "domaine de lembrun", where the dojos were located:
Aug 02, 2006 LeberMac link
Tsk, Tsk, upper case...

Shouldn't you be shifting your body weight to your right and coming down with your right elbow at this point? Come ON, he insulted your SISTER!

Hahahaha. <sigh> Looks like a blast. I miss being able to afford/go to/have time for serious martial arts.
Aug 02, 2006 upper case link
the finality of a koshi nage is actually worse. that right arm i'm holding will stay in a kote (wrist) articulation lock as i twist the poor soul's arm to turn him flat on his tummy at wich point my left knee will secure his shoulder blade on the ground while his (right) arm gets shoulder/elbow -locked between my legs (that position is called robuse), leaving both my arms free to whack him on the back of the head or, better yet, play cards while he's in pain.


it looks somewhat like this:

(although this particular one is not very well executed but the photo might have been taken as he was releasing the lock)
Aug 02, 2006 moldyman link
"Ow... the pain... just... leave me here... please... ow..."
Aug 13, 2006 upper case link
well i'm back, this time from wwdc.

i'll put up some photos for those who are interested. later though. i have other things to attend in the immediate futur.
Aug 13, 2006 zamzx zik link
Coo'o'rony Uppercase, I'm a red belt meself, in it-qon-do...
Aug 14, 2006 upper case link
i'm actually brown belt (1st kyu), preparing my black for next year.

in aikibudo, the tradition calls for white belts to be worn until you're black belt, in europe. though, we discovered some dojo in france and belgium are breaking the tradition and wearing colors like it's done in americas (and worldwide for other disciplines like judo, karate etc).

i've never heard of it-quon-do. where does that originate from? any similarities with tai-quon-do?
Aug 14, 2006 zamzx zik link
Other then the fact that apparently one of the members can't spell, yep.

/me smacks himself.
(tai qon do, I spelled it wrong)

*EDIT* this is the website of the dojo I go to, they don't have a good website....Something about what they do :P :

I've made a few feeble attempts at posting on the fourms. To barely any effect :o

Also, you have to listen to this, I grew up on it... :
It's .....Awesome.
Aug 14, 2006 moldyman link
/me didn't listen to the link yet but...

Dr. Demento Boot to the Head?

EDIT: Yes! Boot to the Head!
Aug 14, 2006 zamzx zik link