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Completely Disappointed with Canadian Idol

Jul 10, 2006 drdoak007 link
Canada has been shadowed by American television for countless decades, this has been proven by many hit's and misses on the boob tube.

I am not even going to waste my time comparing Canadian Idol to American Idol, AI wins hands down.

What I am really upset about is the shabby production value of Canada's "supposed most important" television show. the station that produces this is the largest media faction in our country. yet this show comes across like "jon-o-vision" and "street-cents". for those who know what I mean, I am sorry for bringing up terrible shows, and even worse memories.

I used to be ashamed of one thing about our country, but now that this monstrocity has reached public airwaves, the count has doubled (it sounds better than just saying "two").
Jul 10, 2006 Gavan link
What was the first thing you were ashamed about?

Personally, I find the very fact that we tried to mimic the bullshit that is American Idol embarrasing.

Good thing we have (or had) Davinci's Inquest and Corner Gas.
Jul 10, 2006 drdoak007 link
K.D. Lang's career -- that was an experience no-one should have endured
Jul 10, 2006 roguelazer link
The fact that either country wastes billions of dollars on such unadulterated crap goes a long way towards proving the point of those who say that the West is degenerate and culturally reprehensible. Because we are.
Jul 11, 2006 drdoak007 link
Jul 11, 2006 upper case link
that is precisely the reason we sent celine dion south of the border...

... and stay out!
Jul 11, 2006 Gavan link
haha... Celine Dion.
Jul 11, 2006 DarBar link
someone hit her with flares, quick!
Jul 11, 2006 smittens link
What's disguisting is that westerners pass judgements on their entire hemisphere because they don't like a show that most everyone else does.

(For the record I don't like American Idol. But I also don't like country western music, which is apparently the most popular music around. So does my opinion make everyone else wrong/weird?)
Jul 11, 2006 Gavan link
Sooo... we should just all shut up and not voice our disgust with mediocre television programming? Now that's North American Democracy at work!!

Hell, I'm even in the 5% that doesn't own a TV and I know how bad American/Canadian Idol is!
Jul 11, 2006 mr bean link
i didnt even know there was a canadian idol
Jul 12, 2006 LeberMac link
Count your blessings, then, Bean 'ol boy
Jul 12, 2006 moldyman link
Reality TV at work
Jul 12, 2006 Whistler link
American Idol is modeled after the UK's Pop Idol.

I only watch the early shows with all the tragic and irritating applicants. After that I lose interest - I wouldn't buy anything any of those people did.

(Okay, Kelly Clarkson actually is talented - but her work isn't the sort of thing I'd buy.)
Jul 12, 2006 who? me? link
what about james blunt?? do you like james blunt???
Jul 12, 2006 moldyman link
No one remembers the names of the winners besides Kelly
Jul 12, 2006 who? me? link
Clay Aiken!
Jul 12, 2006 smittens link
Gavan, I wasn't saying people shouldn't voice their disguist. I was just noting how arrogant and stupid it is to say "I don't like this show that everyone else likes, and based on my opinion of this show I'm going to determine that all these people are stupid"
Jul 12, 2006 MSKanaka link
I think the fact that "Reality TV" is about as far from reality as one can get is more than enough to diagnose people who like "Reality TV" with terminal stupidity.

Especially those who watch it and then proceed to believe that it's anything like reality.
Jul 12, 2006 drdoak007 link
the new guy, ol' greyhair... whatever his real name is... he has a FORD commercial. now THAT'S hitting it big!