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Get this...

Jul 02, 2006 spectre_c_me link
So... last night i wasnt on Vendetta. Why? Pretty funny story...

Im watching Tv around 2pm yesterday. It goes to a commercial, i of course mute it (if it isnt Girls Gone Wild, i dont care... specially those Tampax commercials). I hear voice from my backyard, i look out, and 2 guys are working on the cable box out back, looks like they are turning the cable on for my new neighbors out back. So i turn the mute off as the show comes back on... and then... the cable goes out. As it is that my cable is split from the main cable in the house, i go downstairs to see if the main cable is out. Well... not only is the main cable out, but the internet is out as well. So i go back upstairs and wonder what the hell happened, when i happen to look out the window and see the guy putting the case back on the box. I get downstairs to tell my mom bout it, and by the time we get out back (brother's (6 y-o) yelling about the tv being out caused a delay) the guy is completely gone. So my mom calls the cox cable and says that its out, totally forgets to mention that a worker was out here working on it. She goes through the motions, and the woman on the line says that she's not recieving a signal from out cable boxes. So the boxes have blown and the cable is just fine. So... as it is Cox Cable operators, we follow their instructions and disable everything from the box and run the cable into our tv/vcr/audio surround sound.

Finish all that... get nothing.

Dad is a cable repairman for the military, but he's got heat stroke from earlier in the day, and my brother's yelling has given him a headache. He's out for the night, we finish around 9 at night, and its already dark. Mom calls back to the place updates the woman and the woman says... it'll take 2 weeks to get someone out there.

I wake up this morning... dad is pissed off, but the cable is fixed. What happened? The stupid repairman unplugged us, to plug them in. Dad was nice enough to leave them plugged in, and find an empty plug to put us in. Dad wasnt pissed bout it being out, he was pissed at the guy being lazy and not fixing it right.

Moral of the story:

If someone f#cks with your sh#t, fix it yourself before you have to listen to some 'professional' tell you what the problem is and what to do over the phone.