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america, f@#$ yeah!

Jul 05, 2006 Gavan link
Jul 05, 2006 LeberMac link
Jex said: Interesting bullshit, LeberMac.
Ha, coming from you, that's a compliment. Or at least the best I can expect from you, I suppose. I'll learn to lower my expectations! ;)

A couple of posts ago, I said: these three made a conscious choice to go to Northern Afghanistan sometime before November 2001. They could have stayed in the UK, but they chose to go practice their faith in Afghanistan"
Jex wittily retorts: By that logic, everyone who went into the Twin Towers of their own choice on 9/11 deserved to die.
That's a stunningly moronic argument, colored by your obvious and blatant hatred of the United States, its ideals, and everything it stands for. Perhaps second to Gavan's hiroshima "argument", but perhaps it's a tie. There's not an opportunity you won't take to kick the greatest nation in the world when you see the slightest opportunity. You should go to and spend a little time there reading some inspirational stories instead of in whatever dark and lonely place you dredge up this fantasy world you live in, where the United States is the greatest source for evil in the world.

A couple of posts ago, I also said: Were they captured with weapons? Were they captured in combat? It doesn't say.
The genius of jexkerome has defeated me! To wit: If you had looked beyond the report, you'd have found they were captured in a town, no weapons, and they went there because one of them was meeting his fiancee.
I didn't read the entire report. It was dreadfully tedious; however, I actually found it amusing as I read it. These poor saps spent 2 years in a prison camp, refusing to cooperate, whining about being given nice books and chains scraping their ankles. I think they mentioned that the chains scraped their ankles like 100 times. Did I mention that the chains scraped their ankles? It read like a 12-year old's detention report, and I would estimate that it contains about 10% truth.

Jex goes on to say: Of course, the biggest bullshit you spout is when you compare them to criminal prisoners. Criminal prisoners were charged with a crimed, had a fair trial before a jury of their peers where they were held to be innocent before proven guilty, and in jail do not experience the same hardships from the staff. Hell, not even Zacarias Moussaoui is going to face anything similar to what these people went through! These people were kidnapped, their rights trampled, submitted to torture and humilliation, all without ever being charged with anything, or facing a jury, or anything. In the end, it turned out they were innocent civilians taken captive by overzealous idiots, and they were let go.
Ha! You blindly accept their story, so great is your desire to believe that the United States is the Great Satan! Like most terrorists, these three are probably GREAT liars. In fact, what better way to get back at the United States than to go crying to human rights organizations, crying about their fattened bellies and their nice tans, all the while being secret Al-Qaeda agents that will soon participate in planning some kind of terrorist attack in the U.K., no doubt.

Finally, Jex uses his rapier wit to make his final point: As for the US government behaving like the Taliban, let's see:
-The Taliban kill innocents and deny people their rights because of what they believe, and try to impose their point of view on everyone.
-The US government kills innocents and denies people their rights because of what it believes, and tries to impose its point of view on everyone.
Hmm... nope, they are nothing alike. Suuure..

I call shenanigans! Trolling!
Hrm, let's see, the United States elects its representatives on almost all levels of government, women are allowed to vote and go to school and to be seen in public, it values all religions & creeds, allows people like you to burn its flag, and even tolerates the pathetic existence of people who seem to thrive on pointing out and falsely magnifying the minor societal flaws of a great nation while ignoring the incredible gaps, flaws, and holes in freedom and liberty in their own and other countries. It's like pointing out the fact that your neighbor's Ferrari has a door ding, while your own POS 1995 Ford Contour lies rusting in your driveway without an engine or wheels or gas to make it go.
Jul 05, 2006 Gavan link
That's a stunningly moronic argument, colored by your obvious and blatant hatred of the United States, its ideals, and everything it stands for. Perhaps second to Gavan's hiroshima "argument", but perhaps it's a tie.

Well, not quite the same. My argument was that Hiroshima was an act of terrorism, and if you read further, you'll see that I also label any warfare against civilian populations as terrorism, regardless of who it was: German, Japanese, British, etc. Therefore, if you follow my train of logic (which I'm well aware many of you do not), Hiroshima was one of the most viscious examples of state sponsored terrorism.

Secondly, to perhaps try to pour some water on these flames, and slowly extricate myself from these conversations (I know, shut up already), I actually only really find half of the US to be bad. In fact, it is only BECAUSE you have such a wicked, twisted evil side, that some of the most progressive ideas and movements have sprung from your soil. It's all about balance baby. Evil needs good, good needs evil. In countries such as mine (Canada), where we tend to be much more middle of the road, we don't have so many extreme examples of either case. Which is why it is so easy to focus on you folks :)

Also, hehe, we were talking about this over beers this afternoon. You guys have the most ambiguous name in the world! The United States of America. First off, its actually only the United States of less than a third of America. Its definately not the United States of Mexico. Definately not the United States of Canada (although we need to lose this monarchy something fierce, what a waste of effort).... anyway, I'm off to finish what I started this morning, at the beach, with a bottle of nice, cold white wine (or two, or three).

And I think with this post..... I'm outta here for good!
Jul 06, 2006 toshiro link
Good idea. I'll bite your style and

*hit the eject button*

Jul 06, 2006 LeberMac link
Damn. Jex not taking the troll-bait...
I sense someone has tippd him off to my baiting behavior. Hrm.
Jul 06, 2006 Hoax link
>You guys have the most ambiguous name in the world!
>First off, its actually only the United States of less than a
>third of America.
>Its definately not the United States of Mexico. Definately not the
>United States of Canada

It's not really that tricky is it? America is a place just like Mexico or Canada. It is not a continent. It is an area on the continent of North America. America is NOT the name of a continent.

When we took the name we were the only country here ('cept for Haiti I think). The immigrant communities in the Americas referred to themselves as British, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Slaves ect. When the new country emerged from this populous the people referred to themselves, and were called by the rest of the world, as Americans (reference the liturature of the time to see that).

BTW, Canadians are not Americans, they are North Americans, just like people from the United Mexican States (the full name in English, I'm not sure how Mexicans reffer to thier country in long form but I believe it is the same). There is no continent called America (this needs repeating).

Citizens of the U.S.A. are also North Americans. They are also often reffered to as Americans as an abreviation of Citizen of the United States of America and do to historical presidence. Orangutan.
Jul 06, 2006 Gavan link
Whoah wait, isn't this the drunken thread? I saw Leebs here and just assumed....

/me goes back to the beach with (another) bottle of wine.