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Sillicon X and his brothers liiiive?

Jun 29, 2006 zamzx zik link

this is the movie they were working on. For those who post on the ASW fourms, Captan Conutor is (Vanthir, I think) they and a few of their neighborhood friends are in the movie :)

Here's Scorcher, giving some more infomation.
Scorcher typing : So ya, been a long time but no time to dwell. So, the charictars (At least some) are as follow's

1st Lt. Guy Fleggman is Vanthir (I believe thats his name)
MSG. Samuel Johnson is SiliconGold2
Colour Sgt. Jack Harvey is Scorcher

And thats all you need to know, so it shoulod be coming out sometime in the summer but no promises!

BTW, before you say this is one really bad movie, it's a home made movie so it's got a low budget. And Silicon is the directer, Producer, Sound effects dude, Visual Effects Guy, and a whole lot of other stuff, Vanthir made the script though.

Thats all for now, don't make a big deal about it :D Cya'll 'round later.

Back to BG; Make a big deal about it.
Jul 01, 2006 zamzx zik link
Well, dont post all at once.
Jul 01, 2006 drdoak007 link
what is this?

is this a short film created by you?

and my last question; why is michael j. caboose's name ripped off from red vs. blue without special mention?
Jul 01, 2006 zamzx zik link
Drdoak :created by Scorchers family, friends of mine, once players of VO

and, the film is awesome, look at the trailer

and, No idea