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Jun 29, 2006 Wiggoggs link
Ok, so, I've been living in Costa Rica for most of my life, since I was seven. I'll be sixteen this year. Unfortunately, for family reasons, I'll have to move back to the US and leave all my friends, classmates, etc. behind. Tomorrow I'll be leaving at 5:30 in the morning. I'll spend a while with the family, then I'll be helping with all the moving in and stuff. So, don't expect to see me ingame, or, possibly, even on the forums or IRC channels for a while, one or two months. Before anyone asks, I don't know what part of the US I'm moving to yet (hopefully not Texas), because my parents are still applying for jobs in different parts. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
So long, and wish me luck :) Thanks,

Udjuk/Jubjub Marwen
Jun 29, 2006 moldyman link
We mish you! ;_;
Jun 29, 2006 MSKanaka link
We'll keep your seat warm, Jub :P
Jun 29, 2006 LeberMac link
What's wrong with TEXAS?!?!?!
Jun 29, 2006 Wiggoggs link
too hot. Why, do you live in Texas? Well, there's an even better eason. :P
Jun 29, 2006 moldyman link
He came from texas is why >_>
Jun 29, 2006 MSKanaka link
Borb lives there, dunno if that qualifies.
Jun 30, 2006 jexkerome link
Texans is what wrong with Texas.

And those damn mexicans, too.
Jul 29, 2006 Wiggoggs link
Ok, so I am in the US, and we are going to live in Golden, Colorado! My dad got a job teaching English at the Colorado School of Mines. Right now I am in a hotel room, but we do have a house picked out. We won't be able to move in till about the third of August, and then we have to get all our stuff, and then I have to buy or build a new compuer, so it's still gonna be a while before I'll get to play... :'( I miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!

Udjuk/Jubjub Marwen
Jul 30, 2006 drdoak007 link
well, if you're gonna live in texas.... you gotta play a fiddle in the band. (there's where inlies the problem with texas. lol)
Jul 30, 2006 MSKanaka link
Note: He said Colorado. You know, NORAD.