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So, who all paintballs?

Jun 26, 2006 Person link
This is really random, but the Off-Topic forum might as well be called the Random Thoughts forum. Any o' youguys paintball?

Jun 26, 2006 drdoak007 link
outdoor is much better than indoor. more freedom in movement, and tactics.
Jun 26, 2006 Person link
I dunno. For me, it all depends on my mood. Most of the time I prefer woodsball, but I still like going to a field with both because it's nice and fun to play a couple speedballing games throughout the day.

Jun 26, 2006 toshiro link
I don't do paintball... I do airsoft. And I prefer urban/indoors combat, because it's more difficult.
Jun 26, 2006 JestatisBess link
I don't play paintball but i always wanted too. I did play laser tag alot in my youth, ok in my twenties :)
Jun 26, 2006 Blacklight link
I don't do paintball... I do airsoft. And I prefer urban/indoors combat, because it's more difficult.
Jun 26, 2006 moldyman link
Paintball in the woods. I'm more the spotter type, so I'd do pretty bad indoors :/ Plus get shot thirty times before I hit the ground...
Jun 26, 2006 Person link
Lol Jestatis. You should try paintball. It's SOO much fun!

Moldy, do you have your own gun, or just rent at the field? And yeah, some of the professional / near professional speedballers have insanely high ROFs. scaaaary. :D You just can't let them play the intimidation game. You get scared, you stay down. That's exactly what you want. If you keep moving, you're significantly less screwed. And if you want to try something that REALLY freaks them out, do what me and a couple of my friends did once. Go up against some really good players 5 on 5 or so. Run, manuever, capture good positions, but don't shoot. You should have seen the team that we played against. They went from on top of their game to utterly confused in a matter of minutes. Then, while they're all looking around like WTF? Me and another teammate flanked them on both sides, opened fire, and backshot most of them. It doesn't work twice, but it's halarious once! good times, good times. Ya gotta love paintballing...

Jun 26, 2006 slime73 link
Paintball rocks.
Jun 27, 2006 Person link
Amen, Slime. :D Do any of youguys have your own guns, or do you just rent at the field?

Jun 27, 2006 ghostieboy link
i would like to go paintballing :)

airsoft is cool as well :)
Jun 27, 2006 moldyman link
ATM, I rent. I have plans to buy a Tippmann in the future
Jun 27, 2006 Person link
If you're a pure woodsballer I'd definitely recomend the A-5. My friend has one, it's one of the best guns out on the field... er... in the woods. NOT on a speedball field, the things so bulky you can barely play back-man with it! :D
As for me, I got an Icon-E a couple months ago. Decked it out with a super-accurate J&J barrel, a crappy hopper and 48ci nitrogen tank and I've got a pretty good gun for both woodsballing or speedballing. It's not an A-5 or an Angel, but it only cost 80 bucks! :D

Ghostie, you should definitely try paintballing. I've never played competitive AirSoft, but paintball is definitely an experience you won't regret.

Jun 27, 2006 drdoak007 link
Speedball and Outdoor are two COMPLETELY different things.

and i'm not talking about the field.

it's two different adrenaline heights.
Jun 27, 2006 slime73 link
I just borrow my friend's paintball gun. :D
Jun 28, 2006 JestatisBess link
I know i play to many games but has anyone tried playing paintpall in There? There is an interactive game. Its mostly about chatting but you can do some cool stuff in it like paint ball, hover board and buggy racing. I know its not like the reall thing but it is fun at times.

Jun 28, 2006 Person link
God help us Jestatis, I meant REAL paintball! >_<

Jun 28, 2006 JestatisBess link
Whos to say what is real? :)
Jun 30, 2006 Cunjo link
haha, poor Jestatis...

I like outdoor. We'll stage a game for a long time, picking homefields in the woods and setting up defensive placements, traps, mines... then dress in camo and basically play hold the fort.

Bouncing Betties are fun.