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Dev Opinion on War in Iraq

Jun 21, 2006 who? me? link
so what do yall think of that war anyways?
Jun 21, 2006 Screwball link
Which war in Iraq? ;)
Jun 21, 2006 who? me? link
both of em

EDIT: unless you're not referring to the civil war, and the occupational war, in which case i mean just those ones that are happening now.

Jun 21, 2006 ctishman link
(Disclaimer: not a Dev)

The Akanese rebels will be crushed by the armored fist of the Dominion! No insurgent shall escape our wrath, but those who cooperate and come in voluntarily for implants will be rewarded with high-caste positions in the new government!
Jun 21, 2006 Porkness link
This needs to be put into Off-Topic
Jun 21, 2006 Screwball link
Well they also went to war with some of their neighbors over the years.
Jun 21, 2006 ctishman link
Yeah, I agree. This isn't really VO-related.

[Loaded onto a secret CIA plane and rendition'd to Off-Topic]
Jun 22, 2006 jexkerome link
What war on Iraq? I though Dubya said "Mission accomplished" already, and that man doesn't lie.
Jun 22, 2006 LeberMac link
Jun 23, 2006 Doukutsu link
Errr... I don't understand why people don't understand the "Mission Accomplished" banner that was on the carrier. The media translated it themselves for the public into meaning that Bush said the whole thing was over and wrapped up - that we wouldn't need to be in Iraq anymore. Nothing of the sort was ever said. The initial 'mission' was to get rid of the Saddam regime. -That- was the actual Iraq War. It took like, what? About a week and a half before it was over? That mission was indeed accomplished. The war in Iraq now is against the terrorist insurgents which are, for the majority, coming into the country from outside Iraq.
Jun 23, 2006 Snax_28 link
Hey waaaait a second....

/me lifts up Doukutsu's skirt

Hahaha! I knew it! Its a little midget Karl Rove!
Jun 23, 2006 toshiro link
Just ask yourself why they are coming into the country from outside.
Jun 23, 2006 Galaxy613 link
...Why ARE they coming in? I GUESS it's just because they hate the USA SOOOO much that they'll jump at the chance of killing our guys.
Jun 24, 2006 break19 link
We haven't even withdrawn our troops from Somalia, and Clinton said they'd be home by Christmas.. of 1995.. and we still have troops there.. We still have troops in Germany and Japan, and that war ended in 1945..

In Germany, the violence didn't end until several years after the war ended, because of the Nazi "Werewolves" who were intent on killing as many people as they could.. using carbombs and other terrorist-style attacks. Of course, the difference is, when our troops captured some of the "Werewolves", we killed them, and hung them from light poles as a warning to others..

If we took the same approach with the terrorists we have today.. kill em, hang em up around town with signs saying "this could be you!" of course.. the idiots at Amnesty International would have a problem with it.. Much like they have a problem with our troops making the terrorists wear their undies on their head.. but they don't seem to have a problem with civilians being beheaded by the other side.
Jun 24, 2006 ananzi link
break19, the law (arrest, trial, appeal, jury of peers, etc) exists to protect civilians from government mistakes. For example in dictatorships, like, say, saddam husseins iraq, there were plenty of 'tough on crime' government officials, with people ('criminals') being tortured and killed in public to make an example of them. Theres just that little problem that the government is not always correct in its assessment of who is a criminal and who isnt, and that is why we have a Bill of Rights in the US Constitution and a legal system and juries and trials in the first place. Amnesty International wants nothing more than these particular features of the 'american way of life', namely things like a bill of rights, fair trials, an independent judiciary, and so forth and so on, to spread across the earth.

As for your history lesson, the 'west' did not willy nilly kill 'terrorists', there was this thing called the 'nuremburg trials'. and on top of that, there were a hell of a lot of 'amnesties', especially in post war japan. Then of course there was the Marshall Plan.

on top of that, general douglas 'nuke the chinese reds' macarthur specifically encouraged labor unions to exist in postwar japan, and helped push through a pacifist japanese constitution that had basically no active military.

Jun 25, 2006 jexkerome link
All I know is this:

- My country is Catholic.

- My country embraces Western values.

- My country embraces capitalism (very corrupt form, but capitalism nonetheless).

- My country shares the same freedoms and values as the USA, except for the guns thing (and we're also very, very stupid when it comes to abortion, though it's constitutionally legal).

- My country has separation of Church and State.

And yet, we are NOT called the Great Satan, Jihads are NOT called against us or our citizens, our flag ISN'T burned or reviled, and NO terrorists attacks have ocurred in our soil.

Could it be that they don't hate the USA's way of life, but the way its government likes to mess and screw with everyone else? Could it be that the way the US treats the Third World makes it easy for the fundie hatemongers to gather followers?

TIP OF THE DAY: The general opinion of the mexican community on 9-11: "It was a terrible thing what happened to the gringos, BUT THEY HAD IT COMING".
Jun 25, 2006 Person link
lol Jex, I'm with ya there. America sux.
