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so, i finally got the source code to vendetta

Jun 01, 2006 ananzi link
March 7, 2008

after guild open sourced its code, a few people tried to wrap their heads around the undocumented spaghetti that made up the guts of vendetta.

after a few months of farting around, and annoying the shit out of the original programmers over email, i finally got it to compile. well, the server side anyways.

the client side, well, the mac client works in uhm, wire frame mode. not bad i guess.

anyways you cant connect to the actual game server; all the channel encryption coding/decoding stuff was ripped out of the open source release. but you can set up your own server just to test stuff.

so far here are the modifications i have made.

1. rewrote station interface in new 'pink' color scheme. to attract more women.

2. all bots now speak english from unix 'fortune' command.

3. /time is based on your local time

4. python has been embedded into game

5. bots now all based on genetic algorithms. they do whatever the @#$ they want.

6. all missions undergo automated testing.

7. all windows and linux code have been stripped out. only idiots would use these operating systems. i dont want to encourage them.

8. the station menuing system has an automatic-keyboard-shortcut-generator.

9. all pilots bank accounts get automatically deducted periodically for the Itani
Revenue Service

10. asteroids run out of resources. they dont regenerate.
Jun 01, 2006 Person link
Really ananzi, or are you just pulling all our legs? Funny either way...
Oh, and if you really do have this, can we download it? :D

Jun 01, 2006 Gavan link
/me walks away shaking his head
Jun 01, 2006 roguelazer link
I want some of whatever he's smoking... It seems like fun stuff!
Jun 01, 2006 Whistler link
Seems like he's not the only one smoking.
Jun 01, 2006 toshiro link
I don't know, I think it's funny... much more so than many threads in this forum.
Jun 02, 2006 jexkerome link
Well, this is not the Comedy Forum, you know.
Jun 02, 2006 Doukutsu link
Dude - jex. You're a genius.

*Doukutsu runs off to petition the Devs for a new forum.
Jun 02, 2006 LeberMac link
Yeah we need a comedy forum.

OH - and I want to start a guild [IRS] Itani Revenue Service. They go around collecting "taxes" from Itani citizens. All of the guildmembers would have to be Itani-hated, yet still be blue.
Jun 02, 2006 MSKanaka link
... that would be amusing >_>
Jun 02, 2006 Person link
IRS: Yey, let's collect taxes.
Itani: Gay tax? That's retarded.
IRS: No, Itani tax... er... yeah, gay tax
Itani: Boohoohoo! We want our monies!
IRS: Then we will have to forcefully extract them from your cargo bay! Mwuhahahaha!
Itani: Noooooo nooooo noooooo noooo oooooh. OH! De de de!
*Itani thinks*
IRS: Uh-oh. We have an emergency, code 911. Rogue Itani thinking! Thinking Itani on my 6. IT'S THINKING OMGOMGOMG ABORT, ABORT, ABORT!
*rockets fly, IRS agents boom*

Leber, your guild would be screwed by the first Itani ever to think... stupid Itani.

And how do you think you, a Lieutenant of Itan, is going to get away with being a rogue Itani pirate? :D
/me doesn't see Leber being a pirate anytime soon

Jun 02, 2006 MSKanaka link
To quote someone from BLAK long ago: "You're all pirates, you just don't know it yet."
Jun 02, 2006 LeberMac link
ScurvyMac could always quit that lame-ass "BDC" guild and become blue, change his name to "Collector" and start a new guild.

But, you're right. That doesn't sound like me. Too much work. I'll wait for someone else to do it.
Jun 02, 2006 sarahanne link
the source code is soooooo cool. However I'm having trouble with it.

All I have been able to do so far is have the binary code translated into English when you hail a bot.

Unforuntately the translation appears to be "Go away you ninny! Can't you see that I'm busy!?!" I may have to mute the insubordinate bots for such language.
Jun 02, 2006 upper case link
eh! can we mute npcs?
Jun 02, 2006 toshiro link
@ LeberMac:
banshee and/or Leela both are supposed to be hated by Itani, but blue. And neither are in any guild. If you ask nicely, maybe one of them will join.
Jun 02, 2006 Lord Q link
i'd join the tax colector guild, i'd have to use an alt but i've got one who could do it.