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I have a new catchphrase :P
All ur cargo r belong 2 me :D
All ur cargo r belong 2 me :D
i have an addition to your catchphrase: except for InsAniTy's cargo which belongs to him and that I will pay double the buying price for.
uhuh, Dave. all MY cargo R belong 2 me!
I go whee whenever I die...
heh, im starting to see people saying doooooooooooooooooooooobie when they log in.. thats mine damnit!
Dave, the cargo thing is already trademarked and copywrited by me. You got the nonfool (Zero Wing nerd) equivilent from my post in SF's board or saw me say it in vendetta. you only changed 1 word, which wouldn't work. I should sue you, but the guys who made Zero Wing wold then sue me.
Sad thing is, this is KINDA related to vendetta...
I have been playing for a long time.
I have been playing for a long time.
Uh, the guys who made Zero Wing went out of business a long time ago (I can't IMAGINE why...)
Litigate away!
Litigate away!
oh yes... and the elvish stuff is MINE! language isn't mine, but noone can steal the use of them from me!
EDIT: 1000th Off-Topic Forum post! w00t!
EDIT: 1000th Off-Topic Forum post! w00t!