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An issue of balance

Apr 04, 2006 Ion link
I have a problem, Devs. It is an issue of balance, and I believe that it is, to this day, the biggest one yet.

It seems that no matter how I try, rock always beats scissors. Regardless of loadout (I've tried light and agile fingerless gloves, heavy armaments of golden rings, and even the deceptive occasional bloody bandage), and type and model (I've seen many hands fith the same desperate battle: big, small, slender and stocky, black, white, and slightly green), the rock users seem to beat my scissor every time.

It's unfair to the point of conspiratorically wrong. It's obvious, easily reproducable, and readily apparent. But still, nothing has been done about it for years. Yet it blatanly defies the balancing principles of skill and experience. I've seen fresh recruits with hardly a day to their name throw that damned rock, and shame old, honourable scissor veterans.

You cannot continue to ignore this issue any longer. This might just be a small trickle of a voice, but the screams will grow louder over the years, 'till a tidal wave of nerfing requests ensue.

Please, Devs, act before the unfairness of it all reduces the player base to but a small elitist number of rock-throwing PKers and ganking, rock-emulating kiddies, and forever decimates the community we've all grown to know and love.

// Ion, worried player, balance evangelist, and concerned parent
Apr 04, 2006 terribleCabbage link
Care to be a little less vague as to what you want changed/nerfed?
Apr 04, 2006 moldyman link
A person who "flings" rockets rarely wins unless you run into them. You, sir, need to stop running into them so much.
Apr 04, 2006 Cunjo link
Apr 04, 2006 LeberMac link
My thoughts exactly, Ion.
Apr 04, 2006 Will Roberts link
Well Done!
Apr 04, 2006 Doukutsu link
I don't know Ion, I always thought that scissors were a bit too uber. Paper, however, definitely needs some upgrading.
Apr 04, 2006 yodaofborg link
If you wrote that yourself, you win matey! heh
Apr 04, 2006 KixKizzle link
Yea, I've been sayin that for a year.
Apr 05, 2006 Blacklight link
Yeah... those rock jocks are annoying!
Apr 10, 2006 Ion link
I did write it, when I could no longer bear the unfairness of it all. I'm glad to see so many of you stand with me. Perhaps if I can get a majority of the VO community behind me (at least 15 players), the devs will recognize this issue.

Doukutsu, you know, a few weeks ago, I would have agreed wholeheartedly. I never seemed to have any problems with paper players. But then I saw a paper pwn a rock fifteen times in a row. At this was the same rock that had previously defeated me in several duels over the past months! I can see no other solution than to nerf paper as well. As soon as those rock jocks (thanks, Blacklight! Very vivid imagery) have been consigned to the void of mediocrity, I will have to start campaigning for the rebalancing of the paper...
Apr 26, 2006 thurisaz link, I had to answer the question that all parents dread; my five-year-old came up to me with a tear in his eye and asked, "Daddy, why do I keep losing?"

in between the sniffles and the sobs came the classic tale of innocence abused; my son, bless his heart, had spent the last three years learning to play a wonderful and educational game called "Vendetta Online"; until this past week, he had held a spot on the coveted first page of duel rankings, and had all of SYN quaking in their boots whenever his Marauder passed... until Ion came along, with his Scissors-of Ultimate-Death..

my shining star, you see, had earned his fame with that marvellous instrument of skill called Paper; and I fear for his life-long self esteem if it is not restored to it's former usefulness

..if this "Ion" was truly the kind and loving parent he would like us all to believe he is, then I truly hope he will swear off the massively-unbalanced scissors until they are properly nerfed back to the stone age where they belong... otherwise, I fear for the moral fabric of this great nation.

Thank You
Apr 26, 2006 Whistler link
I think that the mass of scissors should be reduced by half, and that we should rename the resulting instrument "knife". Also, "stabbing" will be frowned upon and complained about constantly. The only acceptable way to utilize "knife" will be to slowly and meticulously draw the edge of "knife" perpendicularly along the edge of paper.

A potential exploit would be to draw "knife" along the surface of rock, thereby gaining an unfair advantage of sharpness vs. paper. Rocks will now be made of pumice to combat this.
Apr 26, 2006 LeberMac link
Nay, I propose that we introduce a Rock Mk. II called "Stone". This "Stone" will be bigger, have more mass, and be slower. You'll still be able to throw "Stone" about as fast as "Rock", but "Stone" will have lots more cargo capacity.

It will require at least TWO papers to cover "Stone", instead of just one. This will avoid bruising the ego of poor little thurisaz' son, and assure he continues to dominate the Paper and Scissor minions.