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Interesting development...

Apr 21, 2006 LeberMac link
Oh crap, you've gone and done it now... /me grumbles...

IRUNH said: Driving and traveling are Rights, you have to meet the required criteria just as you must prove that you are 18 and a US citizen to exercise your right to vote, but that doesn’t make it any less of a right.
BZZZT! Wrong! You do not have a *right* to drive a car. You have the freedom to do so if you can pass a driver's test and can afford to obtain a vehicle and pay the registration fees every year and afford gas and repairs for said car. If you cannot afford those things, or if you cannot pass the driver's test, you do not have a *right* to demand to be allowed to drive anyway. Driving is a privlelege, and one that should be taken away for more and more drivers, I think, seeing as how the idiots are on the roads these days.

Also travel is protected under the constitution. Article 1 Section 9 Clause 1: The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. And bill of right Amendment XI: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This last part basically means you have to many rights to list including some not listed in the constitution.
This is correct, but you can travel by horse, by car, by bus, by plane, boat, bicycle, hitchhiking, or by walking. *Travel* is protected, not your privelege to own and operate a motor vehicle.

As a final note I will be joining Moldyman in Australia. Its warm, there’s plenty of beach, I hear the people are nice, I won’t have to learn a new language, and most importantly it’s in the southern hemisphere. That way when the US decides to nuke China, Iran, North Korea, or whoever else is the evil empire of the day. I’ll have time to have a nice stiff drink, contemplate human nature, and watch the fireworks before the fallout arrives.
Have fun! I'll stay here and go out with a bang. It's important to stand up for human rights and democracy. Right now, the United States is all that stands between those misguided regimes and their ulterior motives. Unless you think China, Iran, and North Korea are nice places to be, you oughta pick your side and stick with it, for if the United States loses its nerve, then there's no chance for the rest of the democratic free world. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance," Thomas Jefferson said, and he's right. If we allow hostile countries to ramp up their capability to challenge us, then we're idiots.

Lemme put this another way:
Your neighbor, who has never liked you because you and his enemy are friends, is building a rocket launcher in his backyard. He threatens you: "When I get this thing built, you'd better look out, because you never know what might happen! Ha ha ha ha!" He's been spending more and more time in his backyard, tinkering, pointing the unfinished weapon at your house, measuring the distance between your two houses, and muttering insults at you whenever you see him outside.
One of these days, he is going to have that rocket launcher built. You have your own rocket launcher, but you have not used it for a long time, ever since that other meany neighbor invaded your pool, sunk your rubber floatie, and killed one of your kids.
Do you: a) Wait for him to build the rocket launcher and see what happens?
or b) Go blow up his rocket launcher-construction area before he can finish it.
Remember you've got kids and a wife and other neighbors who like you, and they are relying on you to solve this problem.

Oh, and regarding the hornet infestation, you forgot the M-80 trick:
1. Purchase M-80 (quarter-sticks are better, but a single M-80 will usually do.) Get some extra fuse, splice it together. Fuse should be long enough to make it easy-to-reach while you can run away once you light it.
2. At night, place M-80 either ON or INSIDE the nest. Use chewing gum or whatnot to get it to stay in place, if necessary. Gloves may be required. Hornets ARE active at night, sometimes. Seal the hole if you can. Use "GREAT STUFF" to seal the nest up.
3. Tell your neighbors what you are doing, (but maybe not the rocket-launcher neighbor.) Heh.
4. Get two or three cans of the long-distance Wasp killer.
5. Wait 'till dawn.
6. Hit 'em hard and fast! Blow the nest and move in in a sweeping pattern, killing the surviving wasps. Wasp nests and wasps are relatively fragile creatures when explosed to explosive devices.

Might want to have some sting ointment handy for this operation, but TRUST ME, this is the best way to get rid of hornets. And your neighbors will NOT fuck with you once they see you do this.
Apr 21, 2006 Beamrider link
>>Might want to have some sting ointment handy for this operation, but TRUST ME, this is the best way to get rid of hornets. And your neighbors will NOT fuck with you once they see you do this.

Why do I get the impression that this is a actual experience of yours?
Apr 21, 2006 LeberMac link
Heh. Perhaps because you're intelligent and have a reasonable amount of insight?
Apr 22, 2006 Insert Random User Name Here link
While I agree with Thomas Jefferson's quote "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." If promoting freedom abroad requires us to curtail our freedoms at home than we have gained nothing. Also this was never about freeing the Iraqi people, that was an after thought designed to gain public support once they realized there were no WMD's and the only real terrorist activity occured after the invasion.