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Freedom of speech (yeah, i got banned for this once, sorry andy, i was just into this kinda stuff)

Feb 10, 2006 yodaofborg link

Sorry, I know a dev prolly wont see this, but its the reason I got banned once a long time ago, well, if you count 3 years as a long time, I joined in with a troll, I didnt know that it was a sensitive subject at that time, please please accept my apology, even though its way too late?

Yes for the first time in a while im really blottoed, and should not be posting this, but *whistlers* advice actualy is good (dont post if your gunna post something that may offend others!)

OK, so the guy who was trolling, and I joined in with didnt get barred, and I can forgive you for that (cos you let me back) but heh, sorry, really I didnt know you were a dev, and posted some of the lyrics to that song, I wont ever post here with an angry tone, cos I love you guys, for making VO, its great!

Please will you read all my posts with my voice sounding like Krusty the clown? :)
Feb 10, 2006 who? me? link
Yoda's a rebel! arrr!
Feb 10, 2006 Whistler link
I'm confused as to why you are posting this here, and why now?

Were you simply in the remorseful / ruminating stages of your drunkeness? I always strive to be asleep with at least a liter of water in me before that occurs.

..and ALL of my advice is good! :P
Feb 10, 2006 yodaofborg link
Heh, im in the water drinking stage right now, n errm, there isnt a reason for it to be posted now, I have really wanted to say sorry to andy for a looong time, im not even sure he remembers, but it seemed to really piss him off at the time ;)
Feb 10, 2006 LeberMac link
Um, Yoda, is that where the "Ice Yo" came from? ("A-yo ice, man...")

I wonder what will happen if I post a cartoon of Mohammed on the forums? Should I try it?
Feb 10, 2006 who? me? link
the origin of "ice yo" is on the wiki leebs :P

something about what incarnate said a long long time ago.

LOL if incarnate=ice t
Feb 11, 2006 LeberMac link
Hrm. Imagining Incarnate doing a hardcore rap performance of
"Copkilla" makes me laugh.
Feb 11, 2006 ananzi link
yoda stop groveling. you sell out.
Feb 13, 2006 avirulence link
Why did you get banned for posting this?
Feb 14, 2006 Spellcast link
no, he got banned for quoting the lyrics to a forum member (who also happened to be a dev without him knowing, they didnt have orange names at the time) in the middle of a VERY heated argument. He wasnt overly polite about it then. :D
Feb 14, 2006 Whistler link
When he says "CLICK ABOVE TO VISIT OUR SPONSORS"...that doesn't rhyme at all, yo.
Feb 14, 2006 LeberMac link
Ah, old grudges from Alpha testing... hehe.
Feb 14, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Feb 14, 2006 yodaofborg link
Heh, spell hit the nail on the head, it was like my welcome to the vo universe, and well, hehehe, it taught me one lesson I still use in real life, *keep your mouth shut, if you havent got a clue whats going on around you* and well, we all learn by our mistakes, or do we? Hmmm!

@ meatanzi.

Yes, meeting a dev of the game would be like meeting a famous person to me n stuff, i'd want autographs n stuff, but I aint no sellout!