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ctishman the troll

Feb 06, 2006 ananzi link
behold people what the vile troll ctishman has to say about our beloved art program, GIMP, which all of vendetta was built on!

Re:What about....(Score:4, Insightful)
by ctishman (545856) <> on Monday February 06, @12:00AM (#14648483)

I do. I'm a professional, not a hobbyist, and want to do my damn work, not fuck around with the interface.



ctishman, why do you hate linux, hate freedom, and, thus, hate america? ?!?!?!?!?!??!

and, ctishman, furthermore, why have you taken the side of the dirty filthy lusers instead of the valiant brilliant programmers in the 'ui' debate? is it not obvious to you that the CLI is superior to 'click n drool'? and is it not also obvious that lovingly hand coded LaTeX is all that is needed for nice graphics?

i know some of you believe vendetta was built using evil closed source tools like photoshop. thats a damn dirty lie! you tell em devs. this is a 100% freedom loving pro america piece of software that has no truck with the dirtification capitalist hegemony of closed source micr0$*** and adumbie photo$***

ctishman, i can only hope that when you get banned off vendetta for your heresy, you do not continue to pollute the internet with your disgusting hate filled world view.

GIMP is our father, we shall not want. Linus maketh us to lie down in green pastures. Stallman and OSF they comfort us. And we shall dwell in the house of GNU forever.

Feb 06, 2006 jexkerome link
GIMP for Windows = The Suck

I don't care if the whole freakin' Universe was built with it, GIMP SUX!
Feb 06, 2006 LeberMac link
Photoshop. Worth the $$. Every penny. Anything else would be... uncivilized.

Flame on!
Feb 06, 2006 thergvk link
Photoshop may be worth money (and im not saying it isnt) but GIMP is a nice alternative for those of us who don't have $1000 to shell out for a piece of software. Sure photoshop is better than GIMP, but GIMP gets the job done well.
Feb 06, 2006 LeberMac link
Hrm. Photoshop is around $700 brand new? Yeah I know, it's a lot. That's why us graphic designers have to charge such high prices, so we can keep up with Adobe's insatiable need for new money.
Feb 06, 2006 terribleCabbage link
The sooner we mute Mr. Ananzi (that name almost triggers Godwin's by itself), the better.

- Tol Kerhys
Feb 06, 2006 genka link
Wow leber, you're a graphic artist too, eh?
Maybe you and chikira should get together with like, that pretentious BLAK newb that called himself a graphic designer too (borb, was it?) and start a company!

You'd make a killing! Hundreds of people are born without eyesight every year
Feb 06, 2006 ArAsH link
try buying Lightwave, Shake, Final Cut Studio and a bunch of plug-ins to do all sorts of fun stuff that would take ages with the standard pakages... cheap bastards :P
Feb 06, 2006 Harry Seldon link
Student Discounts = teh rock. Lightwave costs like $350 with that, and Photoshop CS costs like $300 or something.
Feb 07, 2006 jexkerome link
Screw Adobe and Photoshop, Corel delivers the same power at a fraction of the cost! Go go PhotoPAINT!
Feb 07, 2006 toshiro link
Student discounts are indeed worth the while. As long as you don't have to earn money with it (if you do, you should be able to pay the SW), student versions are perfectly fine.

I grew up with PS, and I feel perfectly at home with it, so I see no reason to switch to another app. Even if that other app is free.

That doesn't mean I did not look at alternatives. They just weren't what I needed. Plus, I can get GraphicConverter for free (yay for my IT).
Feb 07, 2006 LeberMac link
Won't be the same if we can't include you in our little startup company, genka. Your artistic brilliance has already been demonstrated, and we'll need an art director.
Feb 07, 2006 who? me? link
I always like replying to threads in off-topic
Feb 07, 2006 Gavan link
Actually, Borb was the photographer. I designed the logo.

But yeah, I like to think of myself as pretentious whenever I get to take a break from working my 17 hour volunteer shift down at the orphanage, and in between donating my blood to starving american amputee baboons.
Feb 07, 2006 Hoax link
They need leaves, bugs, ape prosthetics and Canadian citizenship Gavan; Not, blood. You're such a pretentious knob sometimes.