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a good job for a temp

Feb 03, 2006 ananzi link
heres a good job for a temp. go through all the screens and analyze the most appropriate keyboard shortcuts. if its enough like xml or something they could even tag certain words (in some guis you just put an _ before the letter of the shortcut, iirc). pay them like $12/hour.

or hell find one of these fanboy people, they will do it for $6/hour and a minor mention in the credits.

-your arrogant know-it-all control freak pal,
Feb 03, 2006 Spellcast link
While the temp is at it he can turn off ananzi's forum account.
Feb 04, 2006 BoxCarRacer link
Cheap labor ALWAYS boosts productivity.
Feb 05, 2006 mgl_mouser link
Also have that temp remake the screenies.

Damn. The screenshots on the web site predates the actual game release!
Feb 05, 2006 ananzi link
mgl_mouser ordinarily i'd believe you. but they cannot do that in the case of the screenshots.

this is because the screenshots are hard coded as C strings in a proprietary Guild format called Jpegonics, and organized/chosen by a script that consists of perl 4 intermixed with bash, awk, sed, grep, find, and which, and use many nonstandard features that were lost in upgraded versions of these utilities, so there is a special directory on the server where the old versions of these utilites have been stored. but you have to compile and link your program using a special set of flags to redirect to the proper directory, which is available via NFS mounting, but its using the same password as root, so theyd have to change it, and the NFS is kinda flaky so you have to boot with an older version of the kernel.

the person doing this 'screenshot update' job would have to have about 5 years of professional unix scripting experience to even begin to be able to upload a screenshot. and theyd probably screw it up and crash the game server.

no, no, this is a complicated and intricate task best left for the experts who already know the code base inside and out.