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Beta testers wanted

Dec 14, 2005 Person link
Yes this is SO off topic, it doesn't even belong in this forum, but here goes.

I've been writing this program that emulates the German's Enigma machines in WWII, (yeah, kindof a pitifull thing to do for fun, isn't it.) Anyway, it's not done yet, but I'd like people to play around with it, test it out, and give me suggestions. And as so often before, I've turned to this comunity for help. Sign up below and email me if you would like to help test it.

Assuming I can get five people to help, I think I'll just stick to that at first for simplicity. You can email me at:
ccoal AT speakeasy DOT net

Please include your desired username and password.

I hope to see some volunteers!
Dec 14, 2005 Beolach link
What do you need it for? Is there a big reason you can't use one of the existing Enigma emulators, like this one?
Dec 14, 2005 Celkan link
Because it's worth the effort to make one yourself?
Dec 15, 2005 jexkerome link
And, um, WHY would that be, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Dec 15, 2005 Person link
Well, Beolach, thanks for affectively shutting down my whole little idea. Again :D

Now that I've seen that thing, I see I was probably doing it wrong anyway, but oh well. The program I wrote may not be Enigma, but it's... uh... Caldigma!!! :D

I worked a long time on this, and I don't want to give up just now. So yeah, I'll still be taking testers. Just need 3 more. Any volunteers? :D
Dec 15, 2005 toshiro link
You could optimise the GUI on the thing, the code... there's no limit to what you could do.
Don't let anyone take the wind out of your sails.
Dec 15, 2005 jexkerome link
*steals Person's and toshiro's sails*
Dec 15, 2005 LeberMac link
I'll test it.
look fer my email.
Dec 15, 2005 Beolach link
Sorry, didn't mean to shut down your idea (again? When did I do it before?), or steal your wind, or anything. I was just wondering why you were doing it. Must have missed the "do for fun" bit the first time I read your post, having fun is always a worthwhile reason to do something.

Anyway, as far as testing it goes, what language & such did you write the program in? Will it only work on one platform (Windows/Mac/Linux), or is it multiplatform (Java, well-written C/C++/Perl, etc.)? If I can run it on Linux, I can help test it. A good way to test it would be to encode a message using it, and then decode the message with a different Enigma emulator using the same key, and then test encoding with a different emulator, and decoding with yours. Assuming both emulators simulate the Enigma machine correctly & use the same key, you'll get the correct message back.
Dec 16, 2005 Person link
Well, most the times you've shut me down have been simple URL postes in the suggestions forum reviving a detailed thread on almost what I was saying. :D It's ok, you intended well Beolach!

And this time, (I still thank you for showing me the program, but as soon as I saw that emulator work I knew that mine does not function like the true Enigma machine. Oh well.

As I said before, it may not be Enigma, but it's... CALDIGMA!!! There's two parts two parts to the encryption process, and I'm going to be adding a third to make it slightly more complicated to crack.

I wrote it in a third-party application, but it's been converted to HTML. It might need a special plug-in to run, but I'm pretty sure it will work on Linux.
Dec 21, 2005 Person link
Ok, I have it ready:

Beta-testers, type in 217885 when it askes you for an access code, and your username and password when it askes for that. I know the letter and wheel codes don't look too hot right now, but hey, there's always room for improvement.

Have fun fooling around, and please post here with suggestions/comments/congratulations, (please?) as I do not know if the suggestions feature will work right now.
