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Webpage hosting

Dec 14, 2005 Person link
I have this program I would like to put on the internet for beta-testing. Could anyone with a website host it temporarily? Temporarily as in 6 days, I just need to wait for my freewebs acount to be un-provisionalized or whatever. Any volunteers? Please?

Dec 14, 2005 Tyrdium link
Temporary storage? Sure, no problem. Email me a copy and I'll put it on my site for you.

Dec 14, 2005 Celkan link
Yeah, I can host it at the makchuga site. Dunno if Leber will get pissy about his nemesis getting storage space on his server, though ;)

miharu dot kanaka at gmail dot com
Dec 14, 2005 Person link
:D Ok, thanks both of you. I think I'll use Celkan's for now Tyrdium, thanks for the offer though!

Dec 15, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL You forget, Calder, that I have superuser privliges on Miharu's website, and I will introduce little viruses into your program to make it fail at a most inopportune time...

(Kidding, of course.)
Dec 16, 2005 jexkerome link
That's why for anything non-Makchuga relatead I use my own server. LeberMac's too eeeveeel as a sysadmin...
Dec 16, 2005 Person link
Yeah, suuuuuure Leber, you know you just want to get your evil little hands on my worthless innocent little program! :D