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Dec 13, 2005 genka link


Great thread, eh?
Dec 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Yes, it reminds me of all the fun I had in a barn with a shovel one summer.

Dec 13, 2005 genka link

It was just a bit of fun!
Dec 13, 2005 Celkan link
[flame deleted]

Oh wait.

That hasn't happened yet because the guides are too lazy to get a damn thing done about the abusive [abusive flame deleted].

*The above rant brought to you by the Extremely Pissed Players Committee*
Dec 13, 2005 genka link
Wait, they're no longer in cahoots with me, unmuting me whenever I get muted by the great democracy of second accounts?! Just lazy?!
Dec 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
The sword cuts both ways. Directing verbal abuse of the caliber delivered here SHOULD be cause for loss of posting ability, but we don't have that selective ability yet, unfortunately. Many ills could be nipped in the bud here if we had that, but code rewrites take priority.

If you review the code of conduct, I think you will find that what YOU find annoying, and what is actually against the rules are different. You have the luxury of armchair quarterbacking and not having everyone's scrutiny fall on you while you follow rules you did not write.

As for "lazy", I spend literally hours daily answering questions both here and in the game, researching bugs (many that have nothing to do with VO) trying to keep house in the forums in a way that won't offend somebody, sharing info, lurking in game, checking out bugs,speaking to people gently about their behavior and remaining respectful while they curse me out, and so on. Many times I interupt my missions and general enjoyment to handle some issue that comes up. As many people know, I don't necessarily deal with things in a public way in-game. Often people think an argument has ended spontaneously, when in fact I have privately intervened without anyone else knowing I'm online or that I spoke. I accept no free play time for this from the devs, nor do I generally pound my chest about it in the forums. I do it for the devs primarily, though I do enjoy helping users out. I'm not sure it's worth it right now, with everything else going on this month.
Dec 14, 2005 RelayeR link
Celkan: "That hasn't happened yet because the guides are too lazy to get a damn thing done about the abusive..."

Tongue held.
Dec 14, 2005 Cunjo link

May I suggest a Heavy, blunt object VS Genka thread? I bet that would go over well...
Dec 16, 2005 BoxCarRacer link
I wish all the flames weren't deleted so I would know what's going on o_O
Dec 17, 2005 sarahanne link
Dec 17, 2005 LeberMac link
LOL. I miss all the good stuff, too.

BTW Funny post, Cunjo.
Dec 17, 2005 softy2 link
lol sarahanne, nice one.
Dec 18, 2005 Renegade xxRIPxx link
just ignore the posts you don't like.

It miracolously works.