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The SC Gods have Spoken..

Dec 05, 2005 Cunjo link
... or rather, made a video.

could this be... the beginnings of StarCraft2?

at the very least, I want it.
Dec 05, 2005 Tyrdium link
I just checked. It's a mod for C&C Generals, sorry.

'though... A StarCraft mod for C&C Generals is pretty awesome, too.
Dec 06, 2005 Cunjo link
Yes, this I can see... I thought the engine looked familiar, though I've never played the PC version of C&C. Figured it was a mod for one of those games... there's no denying it looks fawesome though =P
Dec 06, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
There is a SC mod for WC3 being made, but the development seems to be going rather slow. The one in the video for C&C looks to be much farther along.