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Dec 03, 2005 sector0 link
Ok, like somereason I keep getting banned for no reason from IRC. Whenever I go back on it, it says that I have been banned.
Dec 03, 2005 Celkan link
Might be because JM is banned from IRC.
Dec 03, 2005 ananzi link
there should be a uhh list of all banned people and why they are banned. its the foundation of western civilization goin back to the middle ages.
Dec 05, 2005 toshiro link
Western civilisation knows the concept of 'persona ingrata'.
There you go.
Dec 05, 2005 roguelazer link
'persona non grata', that would be tosh... At least, if you're going for the whole Latin effect.
Dec 06, 2005 sector0 link
I know, but I've been on after JM was banned. I mean IRC always was more fun without JM but I was never banned from it because JM was.
Dec 07, 2005 toshiro link
I beg to differ! 'persona ingrata' is just the italian version, but every bit as valid.

Although, I guess the latin version is more widely known and thus 'more right'.
Dec 07, 2005 silentsuicide link
aka, we have had this conversation many many many times before, you are banned because you and jm live in the same house, more importantly share the same internet connection, so therefore you have the same ip address. And since it was felt that the only way to completely keep jm out of the channel was to do an ip ban, not just a nick ban
Dec 07, 2005 Beolach link
/me hasn't done much with IRC, but is it possible to modify an IP address ban w/ an "allowed nick" list? i.e., allow sector0, but no other nicks from that IP address?
Dec 08, 2005 Harry Seldon link
No, IP bans are all-inclusive. However, if you want to really lock down on who gets in and out, you could set up nickserve to only allow registered and allowed nicks on a channel, or set certain nicks to be permabanned.

However, that type of ban can be...sorta abused, because by changing your hostmask, you can keep rejoining, and keep being kicked...and generally being annoying.