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Smash my XBox 360!

Nov 29, 2005 Tyrdium link
Nov 29, 2005 KixKizzle link
What a statement.
Nov 29, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
So best buy sells Xbox 360s and hammers? How convenient!
Nov 29, 2005 macguy link
haha That still bothers me. To see technology destroyed. Oh well, the looks on people's faces was priceless.
Nov 30, 2005 Spellcast link
thats great.

reminds me of when I started playing Magic:The Gathering way back when, my first major convention at origins (in columbus ohio).

An older friend of mine had about 20 of a rare card (the black lotus) from the alpha set of the game. At the time it was selling for around $300, and this obnoxious kid from somewhere over by philly knew he had them and was begging him to sell one.

My friend finally got tired of it, took out one of the cards, showed it to the kid, then lit it on fire and tossed it into an ashtray. The look on the kids face was Priceless .

When the kid demanded to know why my friend had done that, he told him, "look kid, its paper, now go get a life"
Nov 30, 2005 Tyrdium link
Considering your friend burnt up $300 bucks worth of stuff just to prove a point to some stupid kid, I'd be giving him a funny look as well. His money to waste, I suppose.

(The people in the video raised donations online to pay for the 360.)
Dec 01, 2005 thergvk link
are they allowed to do that?????
Dec 01, 2005 Cunjo link
They got the hammer from Office Depot across the street the previous afternoon.

The project was funded by many small donors; nobody paid the full price for that stunt, though I certianly wouldn't want to waste any of my money on it...

of course! they bought & paid for it didn't they? it's theirs to smash if they like... though it most definately pissed off some of the fanboys who didn't get a box before they sold out that morning. (anyone who wants to buy a $400 Microsoft plstform the first day it's released is clearly either crazy or masochistic anyway - they deserve it)

Full documentary-style video can be found here:
Dec 01, 2005 Tyrdium link
"The project was funded by many small donors; nobody paid the full price for that stunt, though I certianly wouldn't want to waste any of my money on it..."

Yeah, hence me saying that.
Dec 03, 2005 Spellcast link
Tyrdium : no, he burnt up something he paid about 31 cents for. (given the price of the booster packs at the time and the number of cards that were in them when he purchased it)

The only value the card has was an artificially inflated estimate of its worth due to the popularity of the game at the time. What really makes it funny is the fact that the card was (and probably still is) banned from all sanctioned tournaments at the time.

Its the same point they are making with the XBOX- "the product isnt worth the hype(or the price tag), so everyone relax, stop being so anal about it, and go get a life."
Dec 03, 2005 Cunjo link
"Its the same point they are making with the XBOX- "the product isnt worth the hype(or the price tag), so everyone relax, stop being so anal about it, and go get a life.""

Dec 03, 2005 smittens link
What is this..."life"... you speak of?
Dec 03, 2005 Spellcast link
its what people who arent addicted to vendetta have.
Dec 03, 2005 smittens link
So the fabled Others actually exist?