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Prolongued absence

Nov 28, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Hi folks.

I wanted to let you all know what's happening with me in RL so you know why I've been out of game for the past few days.

A dear friend of mine has very serious and most urgent house problems to attend to and I'm giving him a much needed hand, along with other helping hands.

After suspecting something smelt fishy, an expert examiner confirmed that his basement is plagued with mildew and mushrooms. The foundation and fireplace are leaking in excess ground water and has totally rotten the bottom 6" of the support wall under his first floor. That wall pretty much holds the house up.

With winter fast approaching (and already close to an inch of snow on the ground), we can't wait until there's a ton (literally a weighted ton) of snow on the roof, we need to undergo severe deconstruction of the basement support walls and rebuild a temporary structure with jack I-posts and beams. We'll be doing this this week. Deconstruction already started--we're stripping to-the-concrete the entire basement.

Next we need to decontaminate the concrete and do immediate patch-repairs until more concise work can take place, probably in spring.

So, all this to say I'll be somewhat absent in the next few days still.
Also, I'll be monitoring this board for most sake of staying in touch.

See you soon!

ps, I'm taking much pictures for the most curious amongst you!
Nov 29, 2005 leapfrog link
hehe... interesting how RL creeps in... take care of your friend, my friend...