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brainstorm suggestion - replacing '1 port 1 gun' with 'load limits' on ports

Nov 25, 2005 ananzi link
what would happen if you eliminated the idea of 'single weapon ports' in vendetta and replaced it with the idea of 'multiple weapons per port, but with a mass limitation'.

for example a 'port' might have the ability to carry 1000kg instead of '1L', and you could load whatever you wanted into that 1000kg.

aside from totally unbalancing the game for many months and taking dozens of hours for the developers to redo every weapon in the game and read the ensuing flamewars...

brainstorm what would happen. use your imgaination.

Nov 25, 2005 Dark Knight link
Hey! For once he said that his idea's a bad one right off the bat!

I predict that... You would get lynched for suggesting such a thing!

/me passes out torches and pitchforks
Nov 27, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
Can we say EVN?
Nov 28, 2005 toshiro link
I think that has been suggested before. However, that is not a reason not to bring it up again.

I, myself, am all for it. The only real problem is, as ananzi said, the time required to rebalance the game. I think that would (and will) kill it. The problem with this is that it isn't a 'small change', I think that it would force players to radically reorientate their fighting styles (not to mention that for about a year or so for the balancing, that would constantly change, too). Of course that itself isn't a bad thing, change is necessary.

The only problem with fundamental change is: Hu-mans are happiest when they get what they already know in a way, or if they have lots of time (and no inherent workload) to adapt to a change.

As for EVN, that game has a mixture of the two systems. You have a set number of gun ports (although mildly expandable), and you can't load more than that on your ship, no matter the free mass (sic!) available. But you can load weapons classified as 'guns' onto your ship even if they weigh 30 tons (as opposed to 3 tons for the Light Blaster. Average free ship mass (stripped down): around 120 tons).
This just to clarify.