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Data Donation Thread

Nov 01, 2005 moldyman link
As some of you may know, my comp's been royaly screwed. The basic gist for those who don't know, is that my dad killed the HD holding almost all the software for my comp (except VO). So I will take any donations for pics, stories and Miusic here please. I run a Mac G4 (7 years old >.<) btw, so Mac compatible stuff would be nice.
Nov 01, 2005 moldyman link

This is the link to .mac., an experimental free online hard drive. It's free, works on windows (download a seperate app though) and could be useful anyway for other junk. If you're willing, download it and coordinate here.

And big thanks to BG for all his help. I'll probably need more of it, btw =D
Nov 01, 2005 zamzx zik link
monk, you gotta tell us your name you signed up as ^^

by the way, you are very welcome, I try man... I try...



**** EDIT! monk, you have it so we can't add anything into the public folder, tis' the name "MonkofAkan" but I can't drop stuff there, go into your prefs dude ^^

also, see if you can make it so you have more space then 25 mgb's...songs are quite a bit of space.
Nov 01, 2005 moldyman link
My .mac name is *drum roll* MonkofAkan. I changed the preferences so it's open now. And I'll just download the 25 gbs and empty the iDisk, thus freeing it up (I dont think I'll have that much music anyway -.-)

If anyone has Quicktime versions of Seasons 1 through 3 of Red Vs Blue, please gimme gimme.
Nov 02, 2005 Celkan link
I'll see what I can do with some of my stuff. In the future, write down (not type) somewhere the sites you get stuff from... In Case Of Parent.
Nov 02, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
Or type it out on
Nov 02, 2005 stranger link
Well Monk, I took a look at that iDisk thing and I am sorry to report that us Linux guys are just going to have to do things the old fashioned way. Now if it was open source that would be another issue but thats not Monks fault at all. If you tell me what you want off that list I sent you I'll send you stuff asap.

BTW, Do you want all this data compressed and if you do, what format? Does Mac still do tarballs? .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tgz?

(typos edited)
Nov 03, 2005 moldyman link
Heh, Well I got recommendations and the list is pretty long. -.- Just tell me what to cut it to, realistically.
Nov 03, 2005 Person link
Ok, I'll dump a ton of music and screenshots on you if I can get the iDisk to work, but it says I need to download iDisk Utility first.


[EDIT] What's the Red vs. Blue thing?
Nov 03, 2005 moldyman link

This be the Red vs. Blue thing. Download one of the episodes and watch it. Even if you don't like Halo too much, the comedy in it is very general.

Quote: "My story had a big thing in it too. You just didn't give it time to develop"


/me feels the smite of the FM come down upon him.
Nov 04, 2005 who? me? link
is this really necesarry? i mean if i understand this thread correctly, monkey boy is asking all of us to break the law for him! now if i read this correctly, this is certainly not the place to be discussing breaking the law

see #6
Nov 04, 2005 moldyman link
Oop. I really should read that thing one of these days.....


And, I'm not asking for pirated data. I assume it's all been taken from a CD somewhere. (Weak excuse i know)
Nov 05, 2005 Tyrdium link
"I assume it's all been taken from a CD somewhere."

Gee! That makes it perfectly legal and not pirated!
Nov 06, 2005 moldyman link
/me points to "Weak excuse" phrase
Nov 06, 2005 who? me? link
yah and im sure that all the songs in my itunes were originally on some cd somewhere.
Nov 06, 2005 moldyman link
Please lock or delete this thing before it gets any worse. I think I already broke one rule >.>;