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Oct 24, 2005 ananzi link
Every other ship on this game looks like a giant penis. There is just no denying it. Particularly the Valkyrie, Centurion, and Centaur. But in the 'design contest' thread its even more apparent. Especially the 'new design' Aeolus. I dont see how you can get more phallic than that ship, which is a big stubby protrusion with two big round things at the back. Aeolus: it even rhymes with penis.

So I made a ship based on the other sort of genitalia. I thought it looked rather good. Almost like 'Moya' from farscape, or a Georgia O'Keefe painting.

But what happens? The ugly head of prejudice rears its ugly head. Within a day or two, my design was erased from the message board.

I thought this was America. I thought this was a country where we had freedom. I thought that if you want to design a ship after a penis, thats OK, but if you design it after a vulva,
that should be OK too.

Apparently I have taken a wrong turn in the universe, and wound up in 'penis only' America.

Lady liberty weeps for you. She is good enough to stand there with a book and a torch, but to go into space, apparently you have to be flying a pocket rocket.

Woe, woe is the future, if this is what we teach our children!
Oct 24, 2005 who? me? link
well we do live in a chauvinistic society

what did you expect, that everyone here would be a feminist?
Oct 24, 2005 toshiro link
Interesting point of view... to say that every ship design resembles a penis. Certainly, the subconscious influences the design process, I found that out by critically reviewing my own. However, there's a point where you can transcend that. Why don't you have patience?

If we include space stations (they aren't much more than space ships, if you think about it...), I would like to think that the Ceres type and the mining type stations seen in the vendetta of old (before the introduction of the 29 system universe) rather fail to resemble penises... on the contrary, even.

That being said, don't you tire of contributing mindless drivel? If it were at least funny, but no...
Oct 24, 2005 roguelazer link
Your "vulvinator", aside from not being a model (side and top profile were different ships!) and existing solely to be a troll (it was basicly a picture of a vulva with some coloration and cartoonification applied), was not comparable to other ships. Yes, many ships are phallic in the sense that they are vaguely tubular and come to a point. Considering that this is an aerodynamic shape shared by, say, every rocket ever made, I feel that this represents no masculine bias. As for the Aeolus, it's thin and flat. If that's your perception of a penis, then I pity you.
Oct 24, 2005 Tyrdium link
Freud would probably have something to say about this. ananzi seems to have a fixation on the penis.
Oct 24, 2005 danielky link
heh, ananzi continues to make me feel no emotion except confusion every time he posts. I never can tell if he's trying to be funny, thinks he is funny, is trying to be serious, is a complete and total idiot, is a complete and total idiot or is a complete and total idiot. Any insight would be appreciated.
Oct 24, 2005 genka link
Actually, the vulvinator is honestly my favorite of the bunch posted in that thread. While it IS a pile of unfinished, unoriginal and uninspired crap, at least it's got some semblance of humor going for it.
Oct 24, 2005 moldyman link
And ananzi goes on another non-sensical rant about ansolutely nothing (or nothing important anyway). Aerodynamic ships just look better. I mean, come on, between a Marauder and a Centurion which looks nicer?
Oct 24, 2005 ananzi link
What do we have here? A bunch of ad hominems, assaults on my character, and factual errors. Not one person actually bothered to argue against my point with any evidence. Many of these ships are not just 'long tubes'. They are long shapes with double bulging protrustions in the back.

Seen from above, the Aeolus loses its 'thinness'. Look.

Here are some more designs to consider. (click on Ring.jpg) (this one is even called 'pillar')

As for my ship, the top, side, and front view are compatible, with minor alterations. Or you may consider the ship to be dynamic, fluid. Soft. Not hard and firmly shaped like... oh.. I don't know. And it is also aerodynamic; many a sea-creature is waves of undulating thin material.

On top of this, the most aerodynamic shape has a smooth, long, trailing tail. And precious few of these designs feature that characteristic. Rather they have large protrusions on their backside.

What can I say. I like all these designs but to break out of this mold we must see where it comes from; the answer is sitting in our laps!

Genka, there is a valid criticism, and then there is empty criticism; the main difference being the complete lack of productive creation on the part of the latter. Put up or shut up. I have done so. And no, I will not make some half assed Blender 3d mockup, as the devs have already stated that unless you have 3ds (maybe Lightwave) and Photoshop , it will take them an inordinate amount of time to integrate any work into their production process, and since those pieces of software would cost more than my automobile, it is not going to happen any time soon.
Oct 25, 2005 toshiro link
What do we have here? A bunch of ad hominems, assaults on my character, and factual errors. Not one person actually bothered to argue against my point with any evidence.

What do you expect? Really.

If I came along every day with a bat and an interesting conversation topic and would decide to hit you randomly over the head 90% of the time and start an earnest discussion 10% of the time, would you expect me to start an earnest discussion the next day you met me?
Oct 25, 2005 jexkerome link
Ze troll's been fed, zes I.
Oct 25, 2005 Hoax link
/me docks Atlas in Ceres station, lights cigarette, and leaves thread satisfied...
Oct 25, 2005 sarahanne link
heh. I remember when I used the word phallus and had students rushing to the dictionary to look it up. I decided they could use it in class but only in a proper sentence. It's hard not to smirk when you hear a kid say "You're such a phallus, dude!"
Oct 25, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Don't forget "priapus". He probably thinks that went unnoticed.
Oct 31, 2005 Phaserlight link
For every phallic ship you come up with I'll name one yonic ship. It all just depends on your perspective.

I'm surprised you mentioned Georgia O'Keefe and yet failed to find the yonic imagery in the Valkyrie, particularly since it's named after a female warrior.
Nov 14, 2005 Priapus link
/me puts on best innocent expression.
Nov 16, 2005 leapfrog link
After picking myself up off the floor (from laughing so hard)... I gotta say... Hoax and Phaserlight, you two *both* have the best grasp of this thread (and I'm not saying that because you're my guildmates)...