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oh the fun....

Oct 13, 2005 Cunjo link
Most addicting flash game... ever.

not to mention it's not every game that gives you a chance to drag Bill Gates face-first through a row of landmines, or light him on fire and hammer him with missiles as he pleads with cries of "I'll pay you to stop this pain!"
Oct 13, 2005 Pyroman_Ace link
Gruesome, yet shockling funny!
Oct 13, 2005 Touriaus link
HINT : Get enough money to buy the rubbr balls then the magical orb and the gravity shifter. Throw in some rubber balls and add the magical orb and gravity shifter and you can make the money w/o even being there.
Oct 14, 2005 Cunjo link
>>"Get enough money to buy the rubbr balls then the magical orb and the gravity shifter. Throw in some rubber balls and add the magical orb and gravity shifter and you can make the money w/o even being there."<<

and throw in the radio to get more happy out of it.

what's the highest you can get for $ in one second?
My record's 275.12... and I can get it within 5 minutes of starting the game over.