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Thurisaz Pls respond, i finally got the game

Jul 06, 2005 TimJ78A link
just to let people know, i'm looking for thurisaz because he introduced me to the game while i was vacationing in another state, hopefully i can find out his play schedule so that i may thank him properly.
Jul 07, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Hi. You can check and see if he's in-game by clicking the "Active Players" link to the left of this message.
Jul 08, 2005 zamzx zik link
I haven't seen him on-line in a while....hmmm..
Jul 08, 2005 TimJ78A link
thanks for the responses so far, since i am not able to devote all my entire days to searching for his online activity, i ask that if anyone sees thurisaz, to pls let him know that i'm looking for him and if possible for him to post here as well, i again thank everyone who has and will, be of help in my finding him if he again plays
Jul 08, 2005 Borb II link
He is usualy online during the weekends. But from what I can tell he stays busy in RL.
Jul 08, 2005 VincentV link
Heh, as a matter-o-fakt, I'm looking for a player called glych.

Borb helped me to realize that I had missed seeing him today. >.<
Jul 09, 2005 thurisaz link
I'm here... sorry.....

working nights mean I really can't be on all that much..., I'm currently offline at home, while I battle with a horribly mis-configured WEP key..... erk!
Jul 10, 2005 TimJ78A link
no worrries man, i understand, well when you're on more let me know some times of when you'll be on, and we'll try to be on at same time to chat., and maybe even have ourselves a duyel if you take it light on me.
Jul 10, 2005 VincentV link
Sorry, Borb has this comming...


Actually, glych tried to sell his old computer, but got horribly scamed and now it is in South Africa somewhere...

/me slaps his forehead repeatedly
Jul 10, 2005 Harry Seldon link

*recalls the Red Vs Blue public service announcement on Internet Vs Real Life*