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Mac & PC tale...

Jun 16, 2005 GRAIG link
This is NOT a thread about wich one is better!
I just wanna know if some of you know the story about how things are what they are today...

So could everyone put what he knows about this story?
Jun 16, 2005 Beolach link
Jun 16, 2005 GRAIG link
the whole story about the beggenings
who started first and when and with what?
Jun 16, 2005 GRAIG link
the whole story about the beggenings
who started first and when and with what?

I saw once a film on it with a steeve something ( may be its the same steeve that ppl talk about today "steeve jobs")

please light me guys ( or girls whoever knows the story on fact)
Jun 16, 2005 genka link
Jun 16, 2005 GRAIG link
Jun 16, 2005 momerath42 link
You could check out "Triumph of the Nerds" - its not wholly accurate, but its not too bad. Then watch "Revolution OS" for the Linux story (also not wholly accurate, but decent)
Jun 16, 2005 Tyrdium link
"Pirates of Silicon Valley" was pretty awesome, from what I remember.
Jun 16, 2005 momerath42 link
it was also even more inaccurate than triumph, though definitely more entertaining:)
Jun 16, 2005 Tyrdium link
Accuracy? Bah! What could be more entertaining than watching Bill Gates plow a bulldozer into Paul Allen's car?
Jun 17, 2005 GRAIG link
thx guys i'll check this immediatly :)
Jun 19, 2005 margoth link
A decent documentary "The Code" covers the early days of Linux with lots of interviews.

I am told that I appear in the visuals somewhere on the DVD release extras.