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Apples and Green Onions, never Orangutans

Jun 14, 2005 Phaserlight link
MmmMmm, I love apples and green onions, yes I do.. they make very good shepherd's pie. Do you like apples? I hope so. They are just about the best fruit around. Not like that other kind of fruit, we don't talk about that.

You know who else enjoys apples and green onions? Large primates that must not be named, for they are evil.
Jun 14, 2005 Beolach link
Only apples of the earth make good shepherd's pie, most apples make terrible shepherd's pie.
Jun 14, 2005 Seraph link
I prefer not to eat a shepherd's pie. Whether or not it has apples in it or not, it is not at all your business what comes out of a shepherd.
Jun 14, 2005 Phaserlight link
/give Seraph Apple
/give Beolach Green Onions

However, the proof is in the pudding, and we have ourselves a puzzle to prove. Have you come seeking the apple of knowledge? Wisdom concerning the dire evil of the Large Primate that Must Not Be Named, on his throne of Lesser Fruit?

Have you randomly stumbled here during your sojourn among these halls of meaninglessness, or have you made a pilgrimage from the True Path?

Sully not this Mecca with careless words!
Jun 15, 2005 Forum Moderator link
"apple of the earth" is "pomme de terre" in French. A pomme de terre is a potato.
Jun 15, 2005 Beolach link
Which is a valid ingredient for shepherd's pie. A fruit apple is not.

Green onions are fine for shepherd's pie, though.

On the subject of France, there's an Edgar Allen Poe story concerning "the dire evil of the Large Primate that Must Not Be Named" that takes place in France.

Behold, Phaserlight, the thread of sanity I weave betwixt thy puzzle of meaninglessness!
Jun 15, 2005 Hoax link
Pie...and apes!

But this is about pie and a monkey:

It's ok, but apes are much funnier than monkeys IMHO.
Jun 15, 2005 Forum Moderator link
"the dire evil of the Large Primate that Must Not Be Named" seems a little Lovecraftian.

There's also Hamstur the Unsqueakable, but that's something else entirely.
Jun 15, 2005 Beolach link
If you like Lovecraft, you should read the Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde. Well, actually they don't have much in common with Lovecraft, but there is one chapter that (at least for the first bit) is written exactly like a Lovecraft story.
Jun 17, 2005 danielky link
Jun 17, 2005 Seraph link
Poo is the byproduct of wastefulness that tends to be dedicated by bowel movement sometimes involving large amounts of Shepherd's Pie, or perhaps only one kind of Shepherd's Pie, magical Apples from the Earth, rather Normal Looking Apples, other various types of Lesser Fruits, and chunks of the thigh from the Ape-looking Generic not-quite Primate Mammal that Shall Not Be Named. Poo is the deprecation, or perhaps defecation, of all humanity, and should be a banned activity. I propose a bill!