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Build your own Gauss Rifle...

May 20, 2005 everman7 link

really didn't want this in Off Topic, but seemed like it should be.
Stumbled across this, thought it was pretty cool...

/me goes to order lots of magnets...

enjoy, and please no pictures of dead neighborhood cats killed by your Guass...
he he

May 20, 2005 Ghost link
This just in...

A local man was arrested today after going on a shooting spree with what appeared to be a homemade gauss rifle. Eyewitness reports state that the individual was screaming repeatedly, "Die Serco scum!! Die!!". He was apprehended when another local man, also with a homemade gauss, shot the offender with a battlecry of, "For the lady Serco!!". Experts are bewildered as to the nature of this crime.
May 20, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
I always suspected that those Itani were less stable than they're trying to appear.
May 21, 2005 ctishman link
I actually bought one of those kits two years back and got it working. It's fantastic, and very good at embedding a steel ball an inch into the front of a dorm fridge.
May 21, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
I want to build an electric one some day. I mean, to make a super simple one, it can't be too hard. Just hook up a capacitor to a coil, add a barrel and a magnetic ball and you've got a coil gun. Well, I suppose to make it shoot hard, you'd need a lot more equipment and stuff. But yea.
May 21, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
May 22, 2005 danielky link
Is this the one we had a thread about a while ago? I think it is.