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The Threat of the Borb Collector

Mar 08, 2005 Shapenaji link
hehe, for the purposes of my other story, mind keeping me cloaked :).
Mar 08, 2005 Lonestar00 link
Heh, this happens just a couple weeks ago, so I imagine it's a bit past your other story. I'm just trying to give you incentive to attack Martin ingame (as a humble repayment of all the ships I lost when he first got his Sky Command) :)
Mar 08, 2005 link
I just love the image of Shape as a short bald Itani monk. I hard no to imagine him as a human Yoda.
Mar 08, 2005 Borb II link

"Backrollers hate do I. Spammers rot in hell they should."

lol, though I guess that is more of a tramish thing.
Mar 21, 2005 Lonestar00 link
It is sometimes said by the more philosophically inclined that there is honor among thieves. I have yet to see it. A prime example of this is my father, a senator and politician and therefore by definition a thief, and the conversation that was happening between he and my captors.

I thought that things were possibly starting to look up. At the very least, I thought that they couldn't look any worse after spending the evening tied up in the damp, cramped hold of this Shape's Orion Centurion. I had been given food and drink, or at least what is considered to be food and drink by the mutants at Epsilon Hold, and was even given an old, moth-eaten blanket. I'd been in worse situations, although at the moment I was at a loss to think of one.

When I first set off on my galactic tour as an aspiring politician, something we UIT staff brats called the “Big Sneer”, my father had insisted that I have a small comm implanted in one of my molars as insurance in case the unimaginable happened. When it started buzzing, causing my teeth to vibrate and my vision to blur (oh, those wonderful UIT technologists!), I knew that the situation was in hand and would be resolved shortly. I heard the ship's comm shriek into life and then go silent as it was routed to the cabin and I moved along the floor toward the portal where I could try and listen in, carefully using the blanket as a walking condom so I wouldn't dirty my new Axia armored boots.

I was able to barely make out the muffled conversation between the Lance's commander and some UIT senate clerk. I should have known that all was not well when it was not my father himself or his personal secretary (secretary being defined in the traditional UIT sense as personal assassin).

I listened in shocked silence as the clerk bartered with Shape for a discounted price to simply not publicize the event, with the trade off being the loss of their prodigal son. It turned out that Senator Starr was more concerned with his son's actions not becoming public than with the securing of his release from captivity.

I saw my future unfold ahead of me as Borb walked in with a smug look, a membership card and a data pad entitled,

So You Want to Be a Pirate
Lesson 1
Technical Jargon: How to “Yarr” Properly
Mar 21, 2005 73h_m4k0 link
As I sat in the hanger of the old ship yard, I laughed as I watched the rich, popmus, hot-shot UIT eyed the ugly old wreak of a hog that the boss was trying to sell him. Suddenly, the kid jumped into the hog and blasted the engines full bore. I took cover behind the ship I had been repairing as the boss got covered in soot and rust. I looked over to see what the kid had been running from, andsaw a huge guy in a black jacket walking up to the boss. He spoke to him for a second but then quickly turned my way. Borb. I tried to make a break for the door. Shots rang out from an anttique gun and I felt as my body exploded from the inside...

Mar 21, 2005 73h_m4k0 link
just a little side story. Ignore it. Great stories guys, keep it up.

just wanted to contribute :D
Mar 21, 2005 Borb II link
OOC: Haha! Moral of that side story. Don't get in the crossfire. ;)

Gah! I don't think I can verbalize how much I hate politicians, especially UIT politicians. I would rather play kiss the seeker drunk then deal with a UIT politician. At least I know where the seeker stands, and seekers are straight forward too now that I think about it...

"Look we can only offer you 750k max"

"I told you want I wanted."

Shape and the lady were still arguing over the price. As it turned out Lonestar had gone astray so to speak. Much like my self really. I grinned as I let that last thought set in and placed my self in his shoes. Yeah I think I would have done almost all of the things he did if placed in the same situations, I just would have done them better and with out getting caught. Shape looked up quizzically seeing my smile during a short lull in the negotiations. Turning off the com he said, "looks like they don't want him back."

"So it's like trying to sell a trader his cargo back after he already got some more."

"Yeah, we're gonna get the short end."

"What about him?"

"I donno thats wha..."

He's words were cut off by the chick on the other end of the phone. Now for some reason I did not think she was Lonestars mother, and her manners did not suggest she was a UIT secretary. Well I mean she probably was a secretary but not a "secretary." At least not one for a higher up muckity muck. Now those secretaries were some thing else. During my trading days I had a wee bit of a fling with one once. Closest I've ever come to falling in love I guess. She was the only non-Serco non-Itani monk that could give me a run for my money in the ring. But when I stopped trading and became an Itani well I got busy some other guy came and when I got back to UIT space she was gone. Wonder what happened to her...

I guess in a way thats what lead to my becoming a pirate. Had almost nothing to live for at that time. The Serco would not let me fight with them, and not matter what I did I never really fit in with the Itani so I ended up spending alot of time in Odia and the rest is history. I guess it all worked out. I hope she's happy where ever she is, I know I'm happy where I am.

"Ok fine 1.5mil will work with us."

That's not worth the trip I thought as Shape ended the deal.

"It has been entered in to the TPG account under the name of Orkan Harlise, pass code 5399326. What will you do with the boy?"

"What ever we want, that's all your money will buy any way."

Shape motioned for me to get the money from the account, I quickly called up the TPG Galactic Bank on my personal com. Cool thing a bout the TGB is it's like the Swiss banks of earth, all anonymous, which is no surprise due to all the UIT back stabbing.

"TGB how may we serve you?"

"Hi I would like to..."

"What would you like to do? Say account info for information on your account. Say trans..."

I hate robots, after a but of trial and error I got the money transferred to one of Martins UIT aliases. Martin is our treasurer so all the money we get from guild jobs goes to him. As soon as it was done I signaled to Shape who was still taken with the woman on the other end about what would be done with Lonestar.

"Look our end of the job is done no one will hear about us capturing the boy or about what he's been up too."

"No, no. We done want any one to hear about him ever again, we want..."

"You should have thought of that be for you paid us so little."

Shape shut down the com systems and started piloting us back to grey space. We we're both grinning. Yeah we ended up getting stuck with this UIT brat and no real money, but it's not every day you get to screw with a UIT senator. Shape looked over at me with this funny look in his eye and said.

"You know what would be real funny?"
Mar 22, 2005 Lonestar00 link
Borb, that last line made me spit my coffee out on my keyboard. That was awsome.
Mar 22, 2005 link
Wow, this yarn just keeps getting better and better. I love it.
Mar 22, 2005 Borb II link
I can't wait till we get it done and compile it all. That's gonna be great.
Mar 22, 2005 Shapenaji link
Haha, I get some nice lines.

Great read.
Mar 22, 2005 Borb II link
Of course you do your one of the uber 1337 god like leaders of BLAK. :p
Nov 04, 2005 who? me? link
allow me to finish the story:

The end.
Nov 07, 2005 Overhauler link
Neat story.