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judging interest : UIT convoy-raider/defender guild??

Nov 11, 2004 thurisaz link
I've detected a measure of latent hostility from both the Itani and Serco lately, saying that UIT players "can't be trusted" to partake in raids against their enemies, or especially in defense of their own convoys...

my solution to this is the creation of an official guild to represent UIT interests in the raids... a central body with which both nations can bargain and/or curry favor for UIT services, and hopefully a vehicle to get us some more respect:


there will be an odd number of councillors, who will negotiate each week with Serco and Itani delegates to decide the guild's allegiance in the upcoming round; delegates could offer credits, friendship, etc.

At the start of each new round the council will meet, share all the offers they accrued from both sides, and they will cast votes for one nation or the other. Because the number of councillors is odd, no ties will occur.

For the duration of that round, all guild members are contractually obligated to lend their services solely to the nation that won the vote, and are entitled to all the rewards offered by that nation. Any member who works for the enemy will immediately void said rewards, as well as jeopardize their guild membership.


okay, any UIT players interested?? any Serco/Itani care to comment??
Nov 11, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
So we have to pay you so that we still can't really trust you?
Nov 11, 2004 thurisaz link
noooo..... you pay us or befriend us for the knowledge that the full force of our guild will be behind you for the week...

the guild would foster mutual trust based on diplomacy and accountability... forcing YOU to be civil towards us, and forcing US to be held accountable for our alliances. Of special note to Serco players... without UIT aid to the Itani, the score would hold at:

Itani: 679
Serco: 555

so, this guild currently gives the Serco the ability to bid on resources that are now going to your enemies... And to you Itani players, this guild is a way to ensure that the UIT will remain on your side...
Nov 15, 2004 entropyjones link
I don't think either side will ever be civil to UIT. Their attitude seems to be shoot first and ask questions later. I would much rather see UIT mobilize it's superior numbers to hunt down and punish Serco or Itani pilots that violate UIT's traders neutrality.

If a UIT pilot attacks a convoy, and the Serco or Itani do something about it that's fair enough. But when Serco and Itani are attacking innocent UIT traders that's unforgivable.