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Veterans Lament

May 29, 2004 Katarn link
I've saw tradeship1 around maybe a month ago.
I remember joining on the board's first birthday :D
Also Sovereign/Independance/Zeratul has gone and Blaster dissapeared again!
May 29, 2004 Urza link
Silicon Gold -- The only player to ever reach the deepest parts of space. A great guy, be he your friend or foe.

And i dont think a lot of people really missed Princess. If you were around during her time, all she did was kill n00bs and say she was the best. Her ego was bigger than mine, phoenix's, and damn near everyoone else's combined. You could blast her to pieces a dozen times and she still wouldn't shut up about how you could beat her.

May 29, 2004 Spider link
Blaster... Botmaster #1, I recall him nuking bots in s14 for hours at an end.. I was there grabbing the remains :)

But didn't I see him this week only?

Zeratul.. Yes. Haven't seen in quite a while

Princess, well, comment about her, she had an impact on the game.. she was the first I saw directly and methodically driven away from the game by other players.
May 29, 2004 harvestmouse link
-Zeratul- left during 3.3

and now that I think of it: I miss Stress
May 30, 2004 furball link
Stress is still around. Just playing under a different name.
May 30, 2004 the flying banana link
I looked in on the game a few days ago, and WOW...
alot has changed, for the better(no bugs yet =P) so I just have to find the time for it ASAP

PS. you are both right, lunitary and harvestmouse, it was in late 3.2, early 3.3. I got a new job, that stole all my gametime
(i still have that job so you prolly wont see me too much :(
May 30, 2004 harvestmouse link
really, furball?
weee. and I never knew
May 30, 2004 lunitary link
banana: what about BusMaster????:-\
how is he?
May 30, 2004 the flying banana link
BusMasteR still not "rich" enugh to join us I'm affraid.
hes fine and he says hi!
May 31, 2004 lunitary link
Say hi to him from the hole of us!
Jun 01, 2004 MrMellow link
Hmm. Well I miss PP! Mostly cuz we have the same in-game initials, and we'd always get confused when people tried to talk to one of us...
-Professor Penguin
Jun 06, 2004 roguelazer link
Blaster: The only person who I felt on an equal fighting stance with. He and I could duel forever, and have fun doing it. A great guy, and a loss for all.
Jun 06, 2004 UncleDave link
I reckon Blaster was one of the greatest pilots of all-time...
Jul 02, 2004 sector0 link
What about me as a vet ive been around like 2years before 3.0.0
Jul 03, 2004 genka link
Blaster's an evil bus-killing cap stealer, that's what he is!
You know I love you :D
Jul 05, 2004 mortei link
whatever happened to The Mysterious Beast of Sector 14, he was one of the funniest pirates i ever encountered.
Jul 06, 2004 CannonFodder link
BlackDragon and Takumi

amongst many many others