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Apr 13, 2004 SirCamps link
Arolte, what I'd like to hear from you is if the NT char "Khral" is really you or if it's an imposter. Long story short, he was on a couple days ago badmouthing you...
Apr 13, 2004 Forum Moderator link
[moved to role playing]

Seems like you answered your own question though...
Apr 13, 2004 Arolte link
It's UncleDave's. I kinda gave him permission for it, since I no longer play that character. In any case I'd trust him more than most other people to hold that character name. As long as he doesn't go around impersonating me I don't have a problem with it. Thanks for the heads up.
Apr 13, 2004 alienb1212 link
Yeah I was wondering what was up with the triflare...hmm
Apr 13, 2004 harvestmouse link
/me was alarmed, thinking: "oh no... Arolte really doesn't need ANOTHER impersonator"

hehe UncleDave, good going with those flares... maso + khral + rail cow = /me scared!
Apr 13, 2004 SirCamps link
Yeah, but I talked to Uncledave and he said he deleted it. All the guy has done is run from me, so I have no idea who it is in terms of combat style...
Apr 13, 2004 harvestmouse link
so it's not UncleDave? sorry then Dave.
Khral was just another triflare valk--Camps must be very astute to sense any unique style.

Khral reminded me of what yooyoo and thargoid were meant to be
Apr 13, 2004 Arolte link
Welp... it's not me. If you see him next time you'll know he's an imposter. I don't use that name anymore and I'll probably never again.
Apr 14, 2004 HumpyThePenguin link
I'll make a note to keep a tab on the flying style
Apr 14, 2004 Archon link
Mmm, he's not UncleDave for sure. I fought him yesterday and.. uh.. well, not Davey for sure.
Apr 14, 2004 Arolte link
Turns out it's Blitz.
Apr 14, 2004 harvestmouse link
laying all sorts of laggy mines :D
Apr 14, 2004 grunadulater link
harvestmouse: oh god that was annoying. 30 Invincible lightning mines are not fun to fight.
Apr 14, 2004 harvestmouse link
30 invincible mines that have the range of... of...
let's just say I was turboing at 200m/s from just ONE mine. ... turbo.. turbo

the mine still killed me, while I was 2000m at least from the station.

and yes, they were invincible, and I couldn't snipe khral because he was moving like a flea.
Apr 14, 2004 Sjet link
He was asked to stop and did.
Apr 14, 2004 harvestmouse link
no I'm not mad at Khral or anything...
I just couldn't help recount the bizarre effects of the lag; too interesting (and by the way, Khral did ask us to post, didn't he)
Apr 14, 2004 SirCamps link


Man, what do you do with 18 characters? Line them up and drag race? =P

Apr 14, 2004 Magus link
"Man, what do you do with 18 characters? Line them up and drag race? =P"

MarioKart Grand Prix!!
Apr 14, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Not to drag this any further off topic but...

Playing with friends + being in first + having blue koopa shell = FUN
Apr 15, 2004 UncleDave link
Um... doesnt that mean you blow yourself up?